Chapter 1

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It was a cold night in Storybrooke, the residents soon found that out as they appeared one by one through the portal, it seemed that only a select few had been affected by the curse. Regina shuddered as she felt the cold chill of the air brush against her skin as she came through the portal, stumbling forward as she caught herself from the sudden movement. She gathered herself and looked around, she had no recent memory of them needing to go through a portal, all she knew was that she was extremely tired, as though she hadn't slept for days. She looked around, eyes desperately scanning the area for her son, trying to calm her nerves and the thoughts that she might have lost Henry again.

Hook appeared briefly after Regina, he stumbled and fell to one knee, the movement even more unsettling than when he'd first stepped on foot on a ship. He blinked and cleared his throat, fighting the urge to be sick, he nodded briefly at Regina, gaining one in turn before moving to face the Portal that hung a foot off the ground on the main road. "Emma! Henry?!" He called out, he had no idea if they had already come through, all he could do was train his eyes on the Portal with hope.

Emma felt herself go through the portal and was now back in Storybrooke, one hand placed out to the side to help steady herself from the movement but could feel the coldness, wishing she had her jacket with her. That was when she let her eyes scan her surroundings, just making sure everyone was there. That was until her eyes landed on the pirate outside and she left the diner, she gave a reassuring smile, "We're alright." She said, glancing over her shoulder just as Henry came through the portal. Emma turned her attention back to Hook, walking over to him. "Are you alright?" She asked him. She wanted to make sure everyone who came through the portal wasn't hurt.

Killian let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Emma, seeing her delicate features, and her beautiful face, reminded him of just how much he loved her, everything about their relationship came back in a flash after the momentary haze of his memory. He nodded and let out a smile. "I'm alright Swan" he winked, he placed a hand on her forearm and drew back a little, she was freezing, if it wasn't for them trying to keep their relationship a secret for now, he would have given her his leather jacket to wear, god knows they both had a fondness for leather.  "Go say hi to your parents, Love," he said as he spotted Snow White and Prince Charming appear behind Emma.

As soon as Henry came through the portal, his eyes searched out his adoptive mother, when he saw Regina. He smiled some and walked over to her, "I'm fine." He promised wanting to try and ease any worry she had but he did reach out to hug his adoptive mother. Regina smiled widely, immediately walking over to Henry the moment she saw him, her heels clicking against the road. She accepted his hug, kissing the top of his head happily and ruffling his hair a little, she squeezed him a little, and then a sharp pain in her side caused her to gasp out ever so slightly, immediately easing her grip on her Son. "Are you sure?" She asked gently cupping his chin under her two fingers. Henry smiled as he hugged Regina, glad to be back in Storybrooke. Though he had heard the slight gasp even if others may not, a look of concern in his eyes now before he gave a nod. "I promise, I'm alright. Are you?" Henry asked, letting go of his mother.

Emma smiled to herself, if it wasn't for them trying to keep their relationship a secret from others, she would have reached out to hug him. But she was glad he was alright. When the savior felt his hand on her arm, it made her heart speed up slightly at the touch and when she felt him draw back slightly, she had to admit to herself that she missed his touch, she looked over when she saw her parents come through the portal and nodded, she turned to go but since no one else was even paying attention to the two at the moment, she had let her finger brush against his hand before heading over to her parents. Though at the moment she was trying to keep herself from shivering and now wanting to admit that she was cold, she crossed her arms over her chest, trying to make it seem casual.

Snow, upon seeing her daughter, smiled and after making sure her family was already there, she turned to look at the others. "Is everyone else alright?" Snow White asked. David smiled upon seeing his daughter walk over to them, good, another curse hadn't ripped them apart if this is what that even was, he saw her cross her arms and he was cold, no doubt she was freezing, without a word and as discreet as possible he took off his brown leather jacket and draped it around her shoulders, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. Emma smiled at her parents, though she was glad that they had all come back to town together and that they didn't seem hurt at all. That's one thing she had been worried about that they could have separated from each other again.

Killian smiled, the harsh winds whipped through his coat but the feeling of Emma's fingers brushing against his sent a spark alight deep inside him that burned through every nerve ending he had, though it was only momentary as the brief and discreet touch swiftly ended. He clenched his jaw, but this was something that they had both agreed on. Killian walked over after a few moments smiling briefly at Snow and simply nodding his head at David. "Aye, love...the only thing that doesn't seem to be intact is my memory, how does your fair? I can't seem to remember a thing since, well, I don't know" He said, risking a few glances towards Emma. Snow nodded at Hook's words. "I don't have much of a memory." She said. "I don't remember why we came through a portal, all I know is I'm glad that we are back in town," Snow said.

As soon as Emma felt her father's jacket over her shoulders, she gave him a thankful smile, glad he had also been discreet about it. Emma listened and glanced towards the pirate slightly before she spoke. "I remember a little, not much." She admitted, which was true, Emma could remember some things that happened but the rest she couldn't remember even if she tried.

Regina smiled, thankful that he was indeed okay, she wasn't sure what it was, but he seemed slightly older, as though it felt as though no time had passed at all, his hair seemed to be longer, his voice a little deeper, though perhaps she was dreaming of these things. "I am alright" She agreed as she pulled away, her hand gently traced over the side of her ribs, a sharp stinging pain erupting again, she clenched her jaw and dropped her hands. "Let's go see what they're saying," Regina told Henry, nodding her head towards his Grandparents. Henry wanted to question his mother more, wanting to see if she truly was or just trying to act as if she was fine. But he didn't when he heard her words and nodded as Henry followed her over to where his family was hearing the mention of everyone's memories. "Maybe a spell was cast to make us forget," Henry suggested as he put his hands in his pockets.

Regina was thankful Henry had little time to ask more questions, so she moved with him towards Snow and David, they were no longer enemies, and perhaps, little by little she was finding room for them in her heart, whether they or herself would consider themselves friends yet officially or not. "How about we discuss this at Granny's? I reckon it will be much warmer in there" she said raising her brow slightly, she would have scolded Henry for practically slouching with his hands in his pockets but the painful throb in her side made the matter seem irrelevant at the moment. Henry nodded but at the mention of going to the Diner, he was a little relieved to get out of the coldness. "And maybe we can get something to eat?" He suggested, his stomach growling slightly since he couldn't remember the last time he had even eaten properly. David chuckled and rubbed his stomach, clapping his other hand on Henry's shoulder. "I was just about to suggest the same!" He smiled.

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