Chapter 17

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Killian threw on a shirt quickly not lacing up the front of it. "wait" he told her, gently grabbing her wrist. He pulled her into him, his hand resting on her cheek as he kissed her slowly, he then pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and just stood there, holding her in his arms for a moment before pulling back. "as much as I'd love to keep you here, we really can't be making anyone suspicious" he chuckled and then took her hand, walking out onto the deck of the ship, the sun blinding him for a moment. He looked around and spotted Regina and Emma's parents right by the docks. "oh bloody hell...swan, look" he said as he pointed at them, and from the look of it David didn't look happy.

Emma paused slightly feeling him grab her wrist before she smiled some as she returned the slow kiss, closing her eyes slightly at the feeling of his lips against her forehead. Looking up at him when he stepped back and nodded, knowing he was right. She grabbed her sweater that lay on the floor and followed him up. "What is it?" She asked before she moved to stand next to him but paused slightly when she saw Regina and her parents.

She stood there in surprise but could see how angry David looked. There for a moment, Emma didn't say anything, too surprised to see them. When she did find her voice after a moment, she spoke up. "Nothing was going on." She lied, hoping her father would believe it and wouldn't do anything. Emma wasn't sure if her hair looked at all messed up from what they just did. "There's nothing for you to be angry about," Emma said to her dad. Though she had never seen him this angry before.

David raised his eyebrows and huffed. "We will see," he said and tried to get his mind off of this so that he wasn't so angry but he just couldn't. He waited for Regina to climb up onto the ship and then followed suit quickly. "and what the bloody hell are you doing with my daughter? Pirate?" He spat taking a step forward and clenching his jaw. "Emma. We're going home now" he said clenching his fist.

Regina had spotted them first and quickly saw a few things out of place. She flicked her wrist and used magic to quickly tidy up Hooks's shirt, even if it wasn't true, it wouldn't help matters, and she didn't want Henry getting hurt because Emma was hurt. She hung back behind David and gently placed her hand on Snow's arm, squeezing it gently, she knew that neither of them had seen David quite this angry. Snow watched and followed her husband but stood back next to Regina, her eyes looking at the pirate and Emma before his eyes went to her husband. Snow felt the squeeze to her arm and looked over at Regina. "Think we can get this situation calmed down?" Snow whispered to the mayor knowing how angry her husband looked.

Killian frowned and stepped forward slightly towards the prince. "I suggest you calm down mate...we met up to simply talk about if we remembered anything about the whole curse thing" he stepped forward a little more and shook his head. "I didn't invite you onto my ship." He said, he was a little tense but he wouldn't let David speak to anyone like that.

David was fuming. "Now you're gonna lie to me? This pirate is a bad influence!" David spat at Hook. He ignored Killian's warning to watch his mouth and raised his hand, quickly striking a blow to Killian's jaw catching him off guard and sending him stumbling to the ground, his lip split open and bleeding. "what the blood hell mate?!" Killian growled on the floor. David ignored him, chest heaving with anger. "do not lie to me Emma" David threatened. "I don't believe you for one second"

Regina gasped slightly, barely having time to mumble "I hope so" to Snow's question before David punched hook. She ran forward and stood in front of David, a hand placed firmly on his chest pushing him back slightly. "Charming calm down," she said softly looking worriedly over at Emma and Killian before glancing at Snow and shaking her head. Emma looked at her dad but before she could say anything about what Hook said, her eyes widened slightly when she saw how her father punched Killian. Her eyes went to the pirate before turning her attention back to her dad. Though there was a look of anger in her eyes now. "And what if something was going on?" She asked. "It would be my relationship." She told him, her hands on her hips. "I'm an adult, I would be able to have my own relationships without needing to run them by you." She added.

Snow let out a small gasp seeing David hit Hook, her eyes wide. "David!" She cried, going to grab his set but thinking better of it, and looked at Regina. She could hear the anger in her daughter's voice and knew that the blonde's magic could be unpredictable at times so she was hoping that everyone could calm down before anything too serious happened. "Maybe we should all just take a breath. To calm down." Snow suggested. Regina stepped back slightly but kept her eyes on David in case he tried to act out again, she hoped that it wouldn't come to that. David shook his head. "Not a chance Swan" he snapped. "You are not dating this...this filthy pirate" he snapped. He folded his arms across his chest, he couldn't understand why she had kept this from him and Snow. "He's no good for you...and no good for Henry. And by the looks of it, he's already taken your innocence!" He growled. Regina stepped forward with a glance at Emma. "David" she scolded, she was glad that Henry hadn't come. "calm down... you'll get nowhere shouting at her" she suggested not wanting to anger him more.

David stepped closer to her and shook his head. "as long as you're dating that Pirate. You are not welcome under our roof, and Snow agrees" David said, speaking for his wife. "I won't have someone who...." David was cut off by a sharp slap from Regina who stood beside him. "Watch your mouth" she warned, her son respected Emma and liked Killian, she wouldn't let anybody disrespect Emma including her father. Hook stood up and wiped the blood away from his lip and held Emma's hand in his own. "thanks love" he said to Regina, he knew that she was covering for him, if Regina hadn't slapped him then Hook would have beaten him senseless. "We are dating...and we will continue to do so, there's nothing you can do otherwise. Now please...get off my ship. Mate" he spat the last word and stared at David.

Emma looked at David, her eyes narrowing slightly. "I am capable of making my own choices," Emma said, her jaw clenched slightly hearing what he said about Henry but knew how much her son liked the pirate. When Emma heard his next words, her body went still for a moment. "Fine." She said. "You don't want me under your roof? Then that's how it's going to be." She told him, she felt her hand in Hook's but her eyes stayed fixed on her father. "I've spent years without needing my parents or having a good home to go to. This won't bother me. But I'm not ending a relationship just because you want me to." Emma said, she didn't care if her words seemed harsh or not. She was angry though there was also something unreadable in her expression.

Snow frowned at her husband, about to protest when she saw Regina slap him although she didn't say anything to the mayor knowing her husband was out of line. Snow reached out and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him back. "Let's go," Snow said, her voice coming out more stern than it usually was but she wanted to get David out of there before something else was said that they couldn't take back.

"Now you know why I lied. Because I knew you'd react this way." Emma told him. "I knew how you'd get angry and that's exactly why I've lied and didn't tell you the truth." She said, her free hand curled into a fist. Snow was angrier with her husband than her daughter keeping a relationship from them.

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