Chapter 2

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Killian nodded, his own memory matched up with exactly Emma and Snow's explanation, and Henry's point was rather valid. He frowned and looked around "But how long we were gone? Why can't we remember?" He asked them looking at Emma. "What do you remember, Love?" He'd used that nickname for her as much as possible in public, it was a rather fetching sentiment and a way to humbly know that Emma was his, all the while remaining discreet as he pretty much-called everyone he met Love, though, in his heart, it meant so much more towards Emma. The true feelings grew and embedded in his heart towards the Saviour, growing from the roots that had always been there since he first laid eyes upon her.

Hearing the question about how long they were gone, Emma shook her head. "How long we were gone, I have no idea." She said, she had been trying to figure out how long they were gone but that was one thing she couldn't figure out. Upon hearing the question about what she remembered, she thought for a moment before speaking. "Not much...what I do remember is being around a bunch of trees and opening a portal." She said. However, she did remember the particular part of when she and Hook shared a kiss. But the Savior decided to keep that to herself. Even though she knew he called everyone Love, hearing him say that to her made her heart jump ever so slightly since she knew it meant more between them. Killian nodded. "I seem to remember something familiar, perhaps the trees, I only remember coming out of the portal, I'm not even sure if I remember anything before that," Killian said slightly concerned.

David hooked his arm around his wife's waist and nodded. "Me neither, perhaps you're right Henry, but worry not...I'm positive that we will figure this out sooner than later" he turned to his wife with a charming smile. "We always do." Feeling her husband's arm around her, Snow leaned in slightly with a nod. "I'm sure we will all get our memories back soon." She agreed, nodding at the idea of going into Granny's. Regina caught Snow's eye and motioned her to the side. "Mary Margaret, a word?" She asked. Snow met her eyes with Regina's and gave a nod. "Of course," she said though she was curious about what the other female wanted to discuss. "You all head into the diner, we'll be there shortly," Snow told the others. Henry looked at his adoptive mother and grandmother out of curiosity but instead of questioning, he followed his grandfather to the diner, relieved as soon as he felt it was warmer inside.

Regina gave the others a small smile as they began to leave them, heading towards the diner. She bit at her lip nervously, all she could remember was that she knew that she was trying to be good, especially for Henry, putting the days of the evil Queen behind her and simply being Regina. She frowned slightly and turned to Snow once everyone else was out of earshot. "Do... you think it's possible I cast the curse...?" She asked, if she'd done so in the past, and what's to say she didn't do it again? "I mean, I've been trying but...I can't help but feel this is my fault." She said. She took a deep breath, her breathing coming out shakily as the pain in her side flared up again, she gritted her teeth and held her side, shaking her head. "Forget it...I suppose we should not assume. At least we are all together, right?" She said shaking off her earlier ridiculous question, of course, she'd probably have been the one to cast the curse.

Snow watched her family head off to the diner but turned to face Regina, tilting her head slightly when she heard her words. Snow couldn't help but smile since she knew how hard Regina had been trying to be good for Henry. "You are right, we should not assume anything. But I don't think you would curse it.. you've done good and are trying to be better." Snow said. "And you don't remember anything, do you? Why would you erase your own memories?" Snow asked and nodded in agreement. "At least we all ended up together." She agreed but then was curious. "Regina? Are you hurt?" Snow asked seeing how she held her side.

Regina pondered Snow's suggestions for a moment then nodded, having heard it like that, it would be foolish of her to wipe her memories too. "Perhaps...some of what you say has a point" she agreed with a faint smile, they were better after all not coming to any conclusions before they knew anything for sure. She frowned at Snow's question. "What?" She then looked down seeing her hand against the left side of her ribs, she dropped it immediately and shook her head. "No, not at all," she said, she had a feeling her side was heavily bruised, but couldn't check it yet, and her magic didn't feel as strong as it should, she tucked some hair nervously behind her ear. "Perhaps we should join the others in the diner?" She suggested, her heart quickening, she disliked the feeling of lying to snow, and that was an entirely new sensation to her.

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