Chapter 3

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Hook was waiting just outside the garden in front of Granny's, he could see the blonde hair getting closer to the door, it wasn't his fault she had gotten him so riled up, she clearly knew what she was doing, but he now needed to desperately kiss her, it just made it hard to do sometimes but nothing would ever make him disrespect her wishes to keep this private from her parents, especially David, for now. "Swan?" He called out from around the corner hearing the bell above Granny's door chime. Emma looked at her dad and nodded. "I won't be too long." She told them as she walked to the door, pushing it open and stepping outside when she heard the pirate's voice and walked to where he stood. Instead of saying a word, and knowing that none of her family could see, she leaned up pressing her lips against his, one hand moving to be on the back of his neck while her other hand held his jacket still. Emma knew how hard it was to get alone time and whenever they could she didn't take it for granted.

Hook watched her with needy eyes, saw the pace at which she walked to him. He moaned softly when he felt her warm lips embrace his and put a hand on her hip and squeezed gently before wrapping the other arm around her waist to rest on her lower back, his hook carefully resting on her hips to not hurt her. He kissed her deeply and without a word, he knew this was something they both wanted and needed. After a moment he pulled away panting, then slowly pressed her back against the brick wall behind them, eyes searching hers intensely, never breaking contact with hers, not for a single moment. "Emma." He hummed softly, a small smile on his lips. "That was very mean...telling me about that kiss." He warned.

When Emma felt him kissing back she let her eyes close, enjoying the feeling of being in his embrace and just having a little bit of time alone with him. When she felt him pulling away she opened her eyes to look up at him, letting herself lean back against the wall, and smiled with a tiny laugh, her fingers playing with her hair. "why do you think I told you?" Emma said with a teasing smile. "I knew how it would make you." She murmured as she leaned up, pressing another quick kiss to his lips before she pulled back she didn't move from his arms or from against the wall. Killian quirked his eyebrows and stepped closer, pressing the front of his body slightly against Emma's, just brushing up against Emma's delicate features. "...And how has it made me?" Emma looked up at him, keeping that same smile on her face, it felt like her body jolted at the touch of his body against hers. "I got you all riled up," Emma whispered as she ran a hand through his hair.

Killian held her closely listening to her speak, his heart would feel complete whenever he heard her voice. "Perhaps." He hummed. Killian lifted his hand and gently ran a finger down the length of her cheek, narrowly passing her lips and landing under her jaw, lifting her head slightly so he could press a slow kiss to her lips. "You have no idea what you do to me, Love." Even something as simple as feeling her skin under his fingertips made his heart melt, he had never loved anyone this deeply. "I think I might have a good idea," Emma murmured, despite the wind and the coldness, her body felt warm from his touches and she didn't want to ever let go.

Snow smiled at David when she felt the kiss and nodded. "Everything is alright." She assured him. She wasn't about to tell anyone what she and Regina had talked about until Regina wanted others to know. When she saw the plate of fries, she smiled as she picked one up and took a bite. David smiled and gave his wife's hand a gentle squeeze. "Good." He nodded as he enjoyed sharing his food with his wife for a few minutes. Henry looked up to his mom as he swallowed the bite but did mumble a "Sorry." Before he swallowed. Regina felt a small pain in her side. "Excuse me." She said to her and the Charmings, she stood up and made her way to the bathroom in Granny's. She let out a sigh as she closed the door behind her, not locking it as she didn't assume she'd be long.

Henry knew that they still had to find out what happened, but he liked the times when they could sit as a family and didn't have to do anything or rush out to save someone. He liked being with his family this way. He watched as Regina headed off to the bathrooms but he still had a feeling that something had happened but he didn't want to push her, so he turned back to finish his food, finishing off his burger and taking a drink of his hot chocolate when it had cooked off a little so it wouldn't burn his tongue when he drank it. David nodded as Regina left and then turned to look at Henry. "Kiddo? You okay? You're rather quiet." David asked, usually he was so full of ideas to talk about, he just felt there was more on the young lad's mind. Henry looked over at his grandparents and nodded some. "I'm alright." He said but then he continued talking. "I just can't stop trying to figure out what's happened. I remember a portal opening and us coming back here of course, but then everything is just blank or hazy. But it felt like we were fighting something." Henry admitted with a small frown like he wasn't fully sure he understood his memories.

Snow smiled at her husband before looking over at Henry. "I'm sure we'll get it all figured out. Maybe we all just need a good night's sleep and will all be rested and have them back by tomorrow." She suggested although she didn't fully believe that they would get their memories back the next day, but she could hope. Snow then said, "I'll be right back." And headed to the bathrooms. David nodded, he knew exactly what Henry was feeling, he nodded at Snow's reply and patted Henry on the back. "Don't worry, when have we ever not found a way to break a curse, we've got our memories back once, we will do so again?" He said hoping to make Henry feel a bit better. He turned to Snow as she excused herself and nodded, continuing to talk with Henry as she left.

Henry nodded. "I know." He said. "it's just, what is it that we could have been fighting?" He asked and tried to smile. "I hope so. I don't like not having my memories." He said. "I am just glad that our family stayed together and that we didn't get separated across realms or anything." He told David. The Prince shrugged as he took a sip of his drink. "I don't know...but how about you come to the station with me tomorrow, we can use the chalkboard and plot out our ideas and plans on there?" He asked as he ruffled Henry's hair a bit and smiled. "I'm glad we didn't get separated either." He glanced briefly towards the bathroom to see if he could spot either Snow or Regina but he couldn't so he decided to give them some privacy. At the mention of going to the station, Henry's gave lit up. "Really?" He asked and smiled. "I like the sound of that." He said with a happy grin and nodded hearing his words before he looked around. "What do you think is going on?" He asked curiously. "I mean, mom and grandma are talking about something in private and my mother and Hook aren't anywhere in the diner and are outside," Henry said, he was curious.

David nodded. "Really. It'll be nice to have you there for sure." He said he could only imagine the mischief they'd most likely cause together. "I'm not sure...I'll wait a few minutes and we can start seeking them out." He said, noticing now that Emma and Hook still hadn't returned, it seemed that everyone was going off and having their own private conversations. "Don't worry Henry, we've got this." He told him. Henry nodded but it only made him more curious about where the others were. He did enjoy spending time with his grandfather though "I would like to be there at the station though." He agreed, smiling up at him before he went back to his hot chocolate. David smiled and nodded. "Good." He agreed with Henry.

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