Chapter 27

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When Snow arrived at the loft, she walked in but saw her husband sitting on the couch before she walked over to him although she didn’t reach out to him. Snow shook her head. “I knew you thought of it but I did not actually think you would try and shoot him.” She said, her arms crossed over her chest. “What was going through your mind?” She asked

David shook his head as he heard Snow come in. He stood up and took a step towards her, reaching out for her hand. "I wasn't going to...I didn't mean to" he bit his lip a little. "I went over to Emma for what I said...and things got out of hand" he said wanting so bad to earn Snows forgiveness. "Perhaps...perhaps now she'll see that he isn't good for him" David shrugged, he just couldn't let it go, as far as he was concerned, this was all the pirate's fault.

Snow looked at David before she frowned hearing what he said and shook her head. “This isn’t because of Hook. You shot her. “ she told him. “And did you really think if you had killed him that Emma would come home?” She demanded. “She wouldn’t have. You need to accept the fact that she’s with him.” She added

David sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I didn't mean to shoot her!" He said, he reached out and grabbed Snows hand tightly. "Please....I didn't mean to" he whispered.

Snow looked at her husband but this time she didn’t move from him. She looked at their hands before saying. “Even if you didn’t mean to shoot her. You still did.” She told him. “Look, I know Hook hasn’t had the best reputation but he’s with our daughter and he seems to really love her.” Snow said. “You need to figure out how to get used to that fact. Or else we will loose Emma for good if we didn’t already.” She said softly. She didn’t know how badly Emma was hurt or if Regina had managed to heal her at least some.

David was glad that Snow didn't move away from him, he held her hand and squeezed it softly, a few tears rolling down his cheeks, he didn't think he'd seen so much blood. "I...I'm sorry...forgive me please" he begged softly falling to his knees.

Snow looked at her husband though she couldn’t remember seeing him look this way with tears before. She watched him and shook her head, “I’m not the one who needs forgiveness. You need to eventually apologize to Emma because I do not want to loose my daughter.” She said before she felt her phone vibrate she pulled it out but let out a breath in relief. “Regina said that Emma will survive. But it was close.” She said before she saw her husband fall to his knees and slowly knelt in front of him.

David shook his head, he knew he'd have to, if he didn't truly want to lose his daughter. "I..." He let out a sigh of relief knowing his daughter was going to make it. "I can't face her...not after..." He shook and hung his head in shame, it only slightly made him more angry as this was all the pirate's fault. He stood up, the tears and sadness gone and began pacing. "yet again it's his fault" he mumbled.

Snow looked at him before she stood but frowned when she heard his mumbled words. “David, this isn’t his fault. He’s not the one who pulled the trigger.” She told him. “You are not to do anything, got it?” She said, hands on her hips. “You are not to go near Hook.” She said, she was a little scared that he would do something again. “Why can’t you just accept this? We aren’t going to loose her but if you try anything else then we will.” She said

David clenched his jaw and shook his head, he then stormed into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. "Leave me alone snow" he said and put his head in his hands, he knew that somehow he had to make this right, and he wouldn't have long to do it. Snow looked at him and watched but she followed, shaking her head. “You don’t get to just storm off.” She told him, though she stayed in the doorway of the bedroom, not going any closer. “What do you plan on doing now?” She asked

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