Chapter 10

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Emma gave a smile, glad the pirate had slept just as she saw a plate of her breakfast sit in front of her and gave a small chuckle seeing the flask he brought out but she didn't comment since she knew he always had it with him. She took a bite of a piece of bacon and swallowed before she said, "Once I'm done eating I'm taking breakfast home to my parents." She said and shrugged. "As long as the town stays quiet I won't have much to do. I do plan on going to the station a little later today." She said but since no one else was paying attention and listening at the moment she spoke. "But maybe we can go get on your ship for a little while, and spend some time together." She said. All she wanted to do right now was just be in his arms and know that his ship would be one of the places they could spend time together.

Killian nodded listening to her, drinking his rum slowly and smiling at her. "Sounds good," he said. "I approve of that plan." He said with a smile and looked over at Emma's food, stealing a piece of bacon. "I'll meet you at the ship?" He asked standing up, he would have stayed and had breakfast with her, but no one knew that they were dating, they couldn't know, not quite yet. "Sooner rather than later, swan," he said excusing himself from the table. Emma returned the smile with a nod and gave a small chuckle seeing him steal a piece of bacon before she handed over his leather jacket before she could forget, "and thank you for letting me borrow that." She said, she wished he could have stayed longer but knew others would probably get suspicious. "I will meet you at the ship." She agreed. "Once I get breakfast dropped off." She added as she watched him leave the table. After she finished her food, she got up and took the order of food for her parents from Ruby, giving a thank you before leaving and heading back home.

Killian smiled and nodded, leaving the diner a little before Emma had. He made his way back to the ship quickly, he quickly rummaged around and began to tidy up a few things, he didn't want Swan walking into an absolute mess, he wanted her to finally be able to relax, or at least a little bit before she went to the sheriff's station later. He made his bed and put on a fresh set of clothes, then sat down drinking his room on the top deck, enjoying the sun that had now come out over Storybrooke.

Snow couldn't help but chuckle hearing what he said. "Are you making realms up now?" She teased before nodding but then gave a small frown. "I don't know... I don't remember much but it felt much different than the enchanted forest.. like it was a darker place." Snow admitted. David shrugged and smiled. "Maybe I am...I wonder how many I could come up with" he teased, he pulled Snow into his chest and kissed her forehead. "I have no idea where we were... I'm sure it won't remain a mystery for long...things tend to play out in Storybrooke" he said rubbing her back slowly.

Once back to the loft, she pushed the door open. "I got food." She said as she walked in, hoping that she would be able to get away without too many questions from them. Maybe she'd like and just say she was going on a walk.

Snow laughed softly and nodded. "I'm sure that would be a fun game." She said. "Seeing how many made-up realms David can come up with." She teased, smiling at the kiss. "I'm sure it'll come out soon." She agreed just as she heard Emma say she had food and walked over, taking the bag from her. David chuckled. "indeed it might!" He smiled and then heard the door open. "thanks Emma" he said and took the other bag off her, he grabbed two plates and set them down on the counter. "Did you get yourself something to eat?" He asked looking up at Emma briefly and switching on the kettle, he was pretty certain that the coffee didn't go out of date.

Emma smiled at them and nodded. "You're welcome." She said. "I did, I had a quick breakfast there at Granny's." She said, leaving out the part that Hook had been there. "I'm going to be heading out again, I'll come by the station later." She said. She was hoping she didn't seem too eager or anything but the thought of being with Killian alone and having time to spend with him sounded nice. She just hoped it would stay a quiet morning and nothing would happen.

Snow smiled as she watched and once she got her food, she sat on a stool at the counter started to eat, and looked at Emma curiously. "Where are you going?" She asked. Emma gave a smile, "Just on a walk. Just to see how Storybrooke is doing." She said, knowing it wasn't a complete lie since she was going to be walking to the docs. David frowned and looked over at Emma, he was pretty sure she should be resting or spending time with Henry, he couldn't understand why she'd want to walk around town by herself when she'd only just gotten back from granny's. He let the matter drop, and eating a few of the fries he nodded. "Alright...well I am sure Henry will already be at the station so I'm going to head out and meet him," he said. He grabbed his coat and kissed Snow's cheek and then Emma's temple as he walked to the door. "Ring me if you need anything!" David said with a smile then left the lodge. Within minutes and a brisk pace he had reached the sheriff's station, he opened the door and chuckled seeing Henry's belongings, and walked around the corner. "already making a start?" He asked, he hung up his coat and walked to stand beside Henry, peering over his shoulder at what he was writing.

Henry nodded and smiled at her. "You're welcome," he said, glad he could help her from feeling so cold. He nodded hearing what he said but then asked. "I'm going to be going to the station and sit with Grandpa. We're going to see if we can piece any clues together and find out anything." He said. "Would you like to come with me?" He asked. He wanted to spend time with all of his family but if she didn't want to he wouldn't push her or anything but wanted his mom to know he would want her there if she chose to come. Regina smiled, she was glad to hear that he was going to help David at the station, it was good of them to spend time with one another. "I shall.... not right now, but soon...I just need to shower and change out of these clothes" Regina said brushing the blankets off her, she walked over to Henry and ran her fingers through his brown hair. "But I can meet you there? Give me half an hour?" She asked smiling down softly at him.

Henry smiled and nodded hearing she would be, but he was excited that she would want to go. He was proud of his mother knowing how hard she's been working to change. "We will see you there." He agreed before he stood but then he wrapped his arms around her in a hug, though it was a gentle one. "Thank you." He said he was mostly wanting to thank her for how far she's come in trying to be good. Regina smiled and nodded her head, she gave him a slight squeeze as she hugged him and then pulled back. "You're welcome. I will meet you there", she said, for whatever reason she trusted Henry to walk back across town okay and make it to the station with David, she opened the door to her house and stepped aside. "I love you!" She called out to her son.

Henry smiled at his mother and nodded before she let him go. "I will see you there." He agreed as he headed out of the house. "| love you too!" He called back to his mom before heading to the station. Henry knew David probably wasn't there yet but knew that most times it wasn't locked since no one had ever really tried breaking into it. So once he got there, he hung his coat up and decided to get started he found a blank piece of paper and pencil and began to write all that he could remember about what happened and where they had been, even if it wasn't much.

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