Chapter 20 - U.A.'s Christmas Festival

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The loud sound of the smoke alarm hurt your ears. Denki stood there in shock, and Kirishima didn't even know how to react or process what in tarnation was going on.

Hagakure, Sero, Mineta, and Sully all turned over to look at the three of you standing in the doorway. Your mouth was agape, how could this even have happened?!

Vienna rushed over into the kitchen and decided to summon small rain clouds to set out whatever fire could've been caused by the four of them. Could their cooking skills have been that bad that all of this happened? Smoke filled the room, and suddenly, 'rain' started to pour down from above in the kitchen area. "Is everything alright in here?!" Vienna shouted over all of the noise. Sero began coughing and waving his hand in the air in an attempt to get rid of the smoke.

"Yeah!!" Hagakure shouted back. "What even happened?!" you asked, shocked. The four of them began sheepishly laughing, even Sully. "Wellll..." Mineta started, "We don't know how to cook.." he confessed with that lisp of his.

Kirishima scoffed dramatically, "Oh wow, we had no clue!"

Denki stood there, still looking around out of complete and pure shock at the mess the four of them somehow managed to create. Mineta sighed and put his hand over his heart, clenching his shirt. "I thought Hagakure would have liked me more if I proved myself as a professional chef.." he spoke as if he was sad.

You rolled your eyes slightly while Hagakure punched his side, "Not a chance!" she shouted. Kirishima covered his nose after setting a few of the boxes of cookies outside of the kitchen. Vienna quickly stopped her quirk after noticing the smoke was mostly gone. She peered around the corner to make sure everything looked alright. Todoroki stood next to her, observing the scene. He had a cold scowl plastered across his face with his hands stuffed in the sides of his pockets.

"Is the smoke all gone?" Vienna asked in a slightly concerned tone. Mineta shot a thumbs up towards her. She smiled slightly and let out a gasp of relief. She started to talk to Todoroki, but you couldn't exactly hear what they were saying because of all the ruckus going on around you.

"I thought we were all gonna die for a second!" Mineta exaggerated. Sero gave him a dirty look, "Don't even act like you didn't start this, man."

A scared expression grew on Mineta's face when he made eye contact with Sero. "This place needs to be cleaned up.." Hagakure commented. Sully nodded in agreement, looking around. "Have you guys even finished your pastries for the stands tomorrow?" you asked. The four of them shook their heads, "What do you think?" Sero said.

Denki facepalmed, "I don't even understand how none of you guys know how to cook?!"

Kirishima nodded in agreement, "I guess we all know never to leave any of you four in charge of cooking literally anything," he added while you nodded in agreement.

After about an hour of collaborative cleaning, you all managed to get the place cleaned up and eventually decided that you were going to split the batches of cookies you and Kirishima made between the two groups, and then you and Kirishima would just sell the hot chocolate alone.

You stood back up after scrubbing some paste off of the floor, wiping your forehead. "Today was way busier than I expected," you muttered to Kirishima who nodded, "Tell me about it," he replied. "I just hope the band has everything together so we don't need to help them as well," you told him. Kirishima let out a chuckle, "Don't jinx it!"

Hagakure whined after cleaning up the last of the flour on the counter, throwing a paper towel in the trash. "Thank you guys for helping." she said. You and Kirishima smiled at her, "It's no big deal!" Kirishima beamed.

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