(14) Alexandria

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I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve looked where Oliver was laughing with his old teammates. In my defence, though, I was keeping an eye on Jackie, who was flirting with one of the guys from the hockey team, Simon.

I was on the armchair facing where the pool was, ignoring the conversation going on around me. Oliver and his old teammates were lounging back on the white and beige pool loungers placed on concrete pavers facing an in-ground swimming pool. While Simon and Jackie were sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet dipped in. I watched as Simon’s hand kept itching up Jackie’s back as he leaned in.

Whatever he wanted with her better be genuine. Otherwise, I wouldn’t hesitate to break both his legs and tie his hands behind his back before tossing him into the ocean.

I released a quiet sigh. That was dark and uncalled for. But I couldn’t help it, I had been in a foul mood ever since I read Theo’s message. When the panic settled, anger was left in its place, and I couldn’t get rid of it.

I knew how Theo’s mind worked, but now and then, he liked to up the ante. It was almost as if he didn’t want me to think that he was predictable. But still, I knew that by ‘punishment’, he meant that he was going to hook up with someone else and make sure that the news got to me. At least I hoped that was what he meant, not something worse than that.

I didn’t know what I’d do if Theo did hook up with someone. I didn’t feel like I had the right to get mad since I wanted the relationship to end, even though he was still pushing for it. Other than betrayal, I’d feel embarrassed. Embarrassed because people still think that we’re together, so if he did hook up with someone, I’d be subjected to pity looks because people would assume that my boyfriend cheated on me.

“Alex,” Lily called, making me look at her. “We are talking about romance movies.”

I brought my attention to the people I was sitting with. There was Quinn and Lily on the sofa, Zack on the armchair next to mine, and Bentley on the woven stools. I was shocked to see Bentley sitting with us without Rosa next to him.

It was always shocking to see Bentley hanging out with us without my sister attached to his hip. Good guy, but I wondered what attracted Rosa to him. I mean, the guy was good-looking, but he didn’t seem like the type that could handle Rosa’s energy. Or maybe Rosa dated him because he was calm and kind, and she could take advantage of that.

But all of that was none of my business, so I shook my head and turned my attention back to Lily.

“What about romance movies?” I asked, preparing to hear her excited monologues about romance and love.

Sometimes, my heart broke whenever I listened to Lily’s monologues. My sister was insecure, and it honestly broke my heart since she looked gorgeous to me. But Lily didn’t like her height. She didn’t like her pear body shape even though I told her every chance I got that she looked great. Whether it was in a summer dress, like today, jeans, or a swimsuit, my sister looked effortlessly beautiful. If only she could see what the rest of us see.

“Which one is your favourite?” she asked with a grin.

“Oh, there are so many to choose from.”

“Or maybe you don’t have a favourite,” Bentley teased. “I don’t blame you. I don’t remember the last time I watched a romance movie.”

It’s not hard to believe. Rosa hated romance movies, and so even if Bentley loved romance movies, she wouldn’t agree to watch them.

While they carried on with the conversation, I turned to Zack, who I hadn’t heard say anything ever since he sat down. When I turned to him, I figured out why he hadn’t contributed to the conversation. His attention was caught somewhere else. He was watching Jackie and Simon with a blank stare.

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