(35) Alexandria

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The next few moments felt like a movie, and it happened in slow motion. Maverick noticed that my attention had strayed away from him, and he turned around to see what I was looking at. He cursed, but I still didn’t move my eyes away from Theo. There were so many things going through my mind, but mostly, there was a voice telling me to leave before he could make his way over, but something was keeping me cemented in my spot, and I didn’t understand why.

“We need to find my sister,” I said, my voice void of emotion.

Even after saying that, I didn’t move a muscle. The sliding door opened, and Simon stepped out he looked around, and when his eyes landed on Maverick, I swear to the heavens above, the idiot lit up.

“Yo, Maverick, I didn’t know you were here!” He shouted with a grin.

“I don’t need this today,” Ricky said just as Simon made his way towards us.

Seeing Simon walk towards us brought Theodore back to reality as well because he also made his way towards us. I stood up straight. There was no way I could prepare myself for what was about to happen, but I could at least look like I wasn’t scared shitless because of it. The only conciliation I had was that Maverick was with me. Theodore was scared of Maverick ever since Ricky beat the crap out of him last year. I still wasn’t sure what made him so angry that he beat Theo up. When I asked Ricky about it, he told me that they had an argument but didn’t want to elaborate. I’ve never asked Theo, but the way he treated me after that fight made me feel like the fight had something to do with me.

I didn’t want to be conceited and assume that Maverick fought Theodore because of what he did to me, but the timing of the fight was too suspicious for me not to wonder. The fight happened three days after I opened up to Ricky about my relationship with Theo. It was the first time that I had told someone what was happening. I told him about the gaslighting, manipulation, and all the times that Theo had come close to putting his hands on me. Maverick was fuming after I opened up to him, and that was why I was suspicious that he beat him up because of that, but since Ricky wasn’t keen on telling me the real truth, I was left to keep wondering.

“Man, it’s great to see you,” Simon said, standing in front of Maverick. “I thought that you’ve stopped partying or something.”

Ricky was quiet for a minute before saying, “I’ve decided to take a break from all this.” The way he said it showed just how much he was not fond of partying.

“Guess the break is over!” Simon exclaimed. He was just a ball of energy. Annoying energy. “Let’s go take some shots to celebrate your return!”

“No,” Ricky said with no hesitation. “I’m here with Alex, and there’s something we need to do.”

“I’ll keep Alex company,” Theodore said with a smirk.

“Come on, Maverick, leave Alex with Theo. Let the couple do their stuff.”

The look that Simon gave me convinced me that I didn’t like Simon and what he said cemented my feelings. But what annoyed me was that even though it had been weeks since someone had seen me and Theo together, they still assumed that we were still dating. Which was not only annoying but majorly infuriating as well. But going back to what Simon said, I didn’t want to be left alone with Theodore. I didn’t want to talk to him or even be in the same place with him.

“Mmm.” Theo shoved his hands in his pockets, his eyes trained on me. “So are you two together?”

“Do you have a problem with that, Duncan?” Maverick asked, placing his arm around my shoulder. That provided the comfort that I needed in that moment, and that was the reason why I inched closer to him.

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