(24) Oliver

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“Thank you for helping me,” Alex said, packing up her biology textbook.

I leaned back with a smile. I noticed that that was something I was doing the more I was around Alexandria. Most of the time, I couldn’t help but smile at her, and it wasn’t a fake smile. It never was when she was around. And the paranoid part of me hoped that it would never be.

“Thank you for providing a great distraction,” I told her.

I wished I could show her—or at least make her understand—how appreciative I was. The whole day hadn’t been going well, and I thought that it was going to get worse from here onwards. But seeing Alex had changed everything. It was something that I needed, but I didn’t know at the time that I’d needed.

“Oh, you know me.” She grinned. “Using my homework to help overthinkers.”

I grimaced but tried to hide it, but from the look that filtered on her face, she caught it.

“Oliver, overthinking happens to a lot of people. We don’t like it, but it takes a lot not to do it,” she pointed out with a small smile. “And I know you, Oli. You’re probably beating yourself up over it, so you don’t need me or anyone to give you a hard time.”

With that said, it became clear to me that Alexandria Rose Almeida was going to be the death of me. It was only a matter of time before it happened.

“I—” I shook my head. “I have nothing to say.”

She released a short laugh. Shaking her head, she turned back to her books. Before I could say something, my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see a text from my mother asking me when I’d be home.

“Hi, Oliver!”

I looked up at Liliana as she waved at me.


“Rosana,” Alex interrupted.

“Liliana,” I said before looking at Alex. “Why do you think that I can’t tell you and your sisters apart?”

She shrugged. “It’s funny when people can’t tell us apart.”

I could definitely tell them apart. And it wasn’t because we’ve been friends for a long time that I could easily tell them but also because of what happened with Rosana the night of the party.

I had managed to push that night to the very back of my mind. I didn’t want to overthink it. It was just a night between two friends, but then when I remembered how it felt when she was straddling me and my hands were on her waist, I started to feel guilty about being with Alex. But considering how Rosa and I hadn’t spoken since we parted ways after getting burgers, I’d say that night meant nothing. So there was really no reason for me to dwell on it. It really wasn’t worth overthinking about.

And yet here I was thinking about it now that Rosana’s name had come up.

“But Oliver can tell us apart.” Lily took a seat next to Alex. “And not to change the conversation. But I got the job.”

Alex sat back with a smug look. “I should have made you get me something when you do.”

“How about we do something on Saturday? My treat.” Lily beamed before adding, “After my shift, though.”

There was something different about Alex when she talked to her sister. She was more carefree and had a permanent smile. It was nice to see her like that.

“Sure,” Alex agreed. “And every Wednesday I’ll drive you and while you work I’ll do my homework.”

“Thank you!” Lily beamed before hugging her sister.

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