Last Minute Jitters

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Greg Wilmont stepped out of the bathtub, pulled the bath sheet from the rack, dried himself, and hung it over the shower curtain. He slipped into a pair of grey boxers/briefs, picked up the hair gel, squeezed some in his palm, distributed it through his curly, neck-length, jet-black hair, and used his fingers to gently toss his damp locks around to achieve the controlled, messy hairstyle he wanted. After shaving and applying witch hazel to his face, he smiled at his reflection and turned the light out.

The young man entered his bedroom, grabbed his faded blue jeans off the bed, and slipped into them. The fabric hugged his lower body like a second skin, and he loved the way the jeans accentuated his round, plump ass. He sat on the bed, massaged some lotion into his size twelve bare feet, and put on a pair of ankle-length, white athletic socks. The next stop was the closet, where he chose a dark red polo shirt that complimented his jeans, dark hair, and light tan skin tone. He stepped into his black sneakers, then after taking a final look at his appearance in the full-length mirror attached to the door, he turned out the light and closed the bedroom door.

He placed a tri-fold black leather wallet in his back pocket, picked up his keys, threw a tan windbreaker over his arm, and locked the townhouse door. Greg stood on his front porch, took a deep breath, and smiled. The mid-September morning was a bit on the cool side, but with the sunshine, it felt warmer. However, it wasn't just the weather making him happy. This was the first day of his vacation and the day his boyfriend was moving in with him. I wonder what living with Levie will be like, the brunet thought as he walked to his truck.

Memories of the night he met his red-haired mate at Lyle Moore's forty-seventh birthday party flooded his mind. Lyle was the current investment counselor at the bank that employed him. The older gentleman was one of the most loved and respected people at the bank, so it was surprising when the salt-and-pepper-haired man took an interest in him and inquired about his plans for the future. It shocked him when he was invited to the birthday party. Early in the evening, he was introduced to the elder's grandson, a gorgeous, bright-eyed redhead named Levie Stillman. Greg's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he gazed at the exquisite, angelic being. Before leaving to mingle with other guests, Lyle told the boys he thought they looked good together. Once the awkwardness passed, the two of them relaxed. Then, after some small talk, they discovered some common interests.

That same evening, Greg met Ev'lynn Moore, Lyle's wife, their son Troy Stillman, and son-in-law Jaycen Stillman. While talking with Levie, he learned Jaycen and Troy were his brothers, or as Levie called them, his Bropops. Greg and Levie exchanged numbers before sharing a warm embrace and saying good night to one another. A week later, they started dating. The raven-haired young man smiled at the memory of the feeling he got from that first hug. It was full of love and genuine kindness. He softly chuckled as he recalled the adorable nickname, Bropops, and made a mental note to ask Levie where he got the name.

The twenty-year-old smiled with pride as he patted the side of his pickup truck's bed, then climbed into the Twenty-Twelve Toyota Tacoma Prerunner. Three years ago, he sat down with his foster parents, Tom and Linda Wilmont, and his foster brother, Brandon. The family researched the best-rated, longest-lasting pickup trucks with the best gas mileage. Everyone agreed on the Tacoma and found one in almost new condition. The vehicle had fifty thousand miles and cost twenty-five thousand dollars.

The process was repeated for Brandon, except he didn't want a pickup. They found a silver Twenty-Eighteen Hyundai Sonata Sport Limited with a moon roof and, like the Tacoma, its condition was almost new. The vehicle had forty thousand miles and cost twenty-one thousand dollars.

Linda and Tom offered to buy them both. He and Brandon protested because they didn't want their parents spending that much money and insisted on paying their parents back with interest. After lengthy negotiations, the couple proposed a compromise with their two kids. Each teen would pay half what their chosen vehicle cost without interest. He and Brandon got up and went into his room, where they hashed out their ideas on the proposal, then returned to the family room and agreed. Linda and Tom attached the last-minute, nonnegotiable addendum that they would pay for a custom paint job if the boys wanted a different color than the original. The boys looked at each other, shook their heads, and chuckled at how sneaky their parents were. The family sealed the agreement with handshakes, hugs, and a kiss on the cheek for each parent. Brandon was happy with the color of his car. He chose a dark blue with iridescent purple hues for his truck.

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