Good Day Gone Bad

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The silver Twenty-Twenty Lincoln Navigator turned into the townhouse complex and pulled into the spot next to Brandon's Hyundai. Linda and her husband, Tom, climbed out of the vehicle, and she locked the doors.

As they walked up the stairs, Tom noticed the vehicle parked next to Greg's truck. The patriarch whistled as he pointed at it and said, "Babe, look at the CJ7."

Linda turned her head and nodded. "I've never seen another one like it before. It's definitely unique," she said.

The family elders climbed the five wooden steps, stood on the porch, and rang the doorbell. As they waited, Linda began to doubt her earlier decision. She couldn't place the feeling, but something in her gut told her they were about to experience something unexpected.


"Yeah, babe?"

"Maybe you were right, and we should've called before showing up unannounced."

Tom sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Babe, it's too late for that thought now," he said.

The thirty-eight-year-old yelped and jumped to the right when Linda pinched his arm.

"What'd ya do that for?"

Linda smiled as she moved a strand of whitish-blonde hair from her gray eyes. "Do what, dear," she asked with a tone dripping with sugar.

The couple composed themselves a second before their adopted son's smiling face appeared behind the screendoor.

"Mama, Papa," Greg happily exclaimed.

The brunette unlatched the door and stepped aside so his parents could enter. They removed their jackets and placed them on the coat rack.

Linda put her purse in the closet. She tried not to be nosy, but when it came to her children, she was not afraid to do a little snooping, and the unfamiliar lockbox, along with the crossbow and arrows, made her eyebrows arch.

"I'm so happy you guys are here," Greg stated as he hugged his parents. "Levie's here, and now you two can finally meet him. Hey, Bran," he called out, "Mama and Papa are here."

"Ah, so that's why you're so excited," Tom said with a hearty chuckle. "Who's Jeep is that?"

"Isn't it cool? It's Levie's. He and his brothers were fans of the "Dukes Of Hazzard," and instead of loving General Lee, Lev fell in love with Dixie."

Brandon came rushing in and latched onto his Mom and Dad. "Guys, wait till you meet Lev. He's gonna be my next best friend, and he's already my new brother," he managed to get out in one breath.

Linda and Tom shook their heads and laughed at their excited boys.

"Greg, Bran."

"Yeah, Dad," the brothers responded in unison.

"What's Levie's last name?"

"It's Stillman, Papa," Greg said.

"They own a ranch about fifteen to twenty minutes outside of town," Brandon stated.

"Boys, what's up with the lockbox, crossbow, and arrows in the closet?" Linda asked.

Greg and Brandon shared a glance and nervously gulped.

"Well, Mom," Brandon started.

"They belong to Levie. His Glock, ammo, and knife are in the lockbox," Greg finished for his brother, who nodded in agreement.

"What's he into that he has to carry that much weaponry around at one time," Tom asked as he pulled out his travel tablet and Googled the Stillman family.

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