Moving Day

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Levie pulled out a pair of slim-fit, grey jeans and put them on over his blue bikini briefs, then chose a dark green shirt that made his red hair look more fire-like, and after putting on his favorite pair of Scooby-Doo socks, stepped into his tan, two and three-quarter-inch heeled cowboy boots, and called Greg when he was almost finished packing.

"Hey, Angel boy," Greg excitedly said, "How's your day so far," he asked.

"Hey, hey, can I say hi... I want to say hi to him... C'mon, let me say hi to my new bro," Brandon whined, sounding like a small child.

"It's good, how about yours," Levie asked, then cackled after he heard the squeal because of the wet willie his boyfriend received from his brother, and as soon as Brandon threatened to tickle Greg's feet, he said, "Babe, you might as well put it on speaker."

"Hi Lev, I'm Brandon, your new brother, and I can't wait to meet you," Brandon hollered.

"I'll be at Greg's in about an hour, and I can't wait to meet you either, Brandon,"

The next few minutes were spent telling the brothers about Jaycen's idea, which they thought was brilliant, and ten minutes later, they ended the conversation. Levie wiped the tears from his eyes and finished packing.

He took another look around the bedroom he'd essentially grown up in, sighed, picked up the suitcase, and walked downstairs to put the luggage in the backseat of his 1979 Jeep, a Golden Eagle CJ7.

Levie loved his vehicle because it was the same model and year as Dixie, the Jeep Daisy Duke drove in the TV series "The Dukes Of Hazzard." When he got it, he and his brothers updated the engine, painted the body black with rainbow pentacles surrounding the Eagle on the hood, replaced the original tires with larger ones that had deeper treads, and attached metal bars to the driver and passenger side so it would be easier to climb into.

Jaycen crept up behind the younger redhead and giggled when his brother jumped and yelped as his arms wrapped around Levie's smaller waist, "My kid's not leaving without saying goodbye, Is he," he asked as he hefted the giggling male over his shoulder, tickled his sides, spun them around, then playfully smacked his ass and set him back on the ground.

"I'd never leave without saying goodbye, Levie said through his heavy sobs, with tears streaming down his cheeks, "I'm going to miss you two so much," The love flowing between him and Jaycen was comforting, and once he was back on the ground, he gave the same affection to Troy when he walked up to them and then headed to the barn to say goodbye to Triton.

Levie entered the barn, and heard his stallion getting excited. He giggled as the horse playfully reared up and snorted. When the door was opened, his steed came barreling out, and pinned him against the door of an empty stall. He slid to the ground, laughing wildly as the equine tickled him by nuzzling his nostrils against his neck and then his stomach.

"I love you, Tri," he said when the laughter subsided.

The horse backed off to let his owner get to his feet, and he spent the next few minutes hugging the boy who saved him as they silently reassured the other they'd always be there for one another.

"I'll be back in a day or two, and I want you to be a good boy for your Pap-Paws because they love you just as much as I do," he said as tears streamed down his cheeks.

The stallion nodded and snorted, and Triton hugged his owner before returning to his stall.

Bill was leaning against the door frame, watching the emotional scene., and said, "I've never seen a horse and owner as close and bonded as you two." The older man chuckled when the young redhead jumped from surprise before encasing him in his signature Levie hug.

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