From Bad To Worse

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Jaycen and Bill were working in the barn. The younger of the pair was almost done mucking out the stalls when suddenly, a sickening, wrenching feeling in his gut made him drop the pitchfork and fall to his knees. His arms wrapped around his stomach as the redhead's body visibly shook, and he rocked back and forth, groaning.

Bill was replacing the aging hinges and door locks before they completely broke. When he heard the groans and saw Jaycen's distressed condition, the man dropped his tools and ran to his beloved employer and friend.

After about thirty seconds, he slowly lifted his head and blinked his tear-filled eyes. "Troy is hurt," Jaycen whispered before breaking down and wrapping his arms around Bill's neck and his head resting on the man's strong, broad shoulder.

"We'll find him, Jayce," Bill said as he pulled his honorary son into a loving, fatherly embrace.

The fifty-year-old was unfazed by what he saw and heard. Through the years, there were times when family members and those who worked on the ranch witnessed the powerful, unbreakable bond and love between Jaycen and Troy, and the shared connection let one of them know when the other one was in distress or had a need without them physically being together. They looked up when one of the employees ran into the stable, saying the horse Troy was riding returned without him.

Jaycen's heart was beating so hard and fast that he thought it would break through the skin and fall to the ground. However, somehow, he found the courage and strength to fight through the crushing fear as he willed himself to be strong for Troy while tears stained his cheeks.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, then tried twice to talk, and on the third attempt, he successfully gave voice to the question on his mind. "Do you know what trail he took?"

Seeing his usually active and playful boss in such an emotional state tore at Adrian Banks' heart. "I'm not sure," the dark-haired worker replied, "the mare came from the direction where Johnson and Maddox were working." He watched Jaycen's internal battle with all the devastating turmoil. He also saw the love for his husband and the pain and worry in his eyes. It was then he realized just how strong the ranch owner really was, and that strengthened the respect, love, and pride he felt for the family he worked for.

"Is Johnson back," Bill asked.

"Yes, Bill. He returned shortly before the mare."

"Rian, would you please go ask Johnson to come here?"

"You got it, Jayce," Adrian said. He walked up to his red-haired employer and warmly embraced him. "Thank you for always putting people ahead of profit or anything materialistic. You make me proud to be part of and work for the family."

Jaycen gasped at the statement as he returned the affection. "Thank you for speaking what's in your heart, Rian. It means a lot."

Adrian dried his tears, then ran off to find Burt Johnson.

"How can I help, Jayce," Burt said as he entered the barn.

"About where were you and Maddox working," Jaycen asked as he returned the love-filled hug he received from the salt-and-pepper-haired man.

"At the back end of the western part of the ranch, on the edge of the forest."

Jaycen thought a moment before saying, "Okay, that gives us an idea of where we need to start looking, Bill. Meanwhile, Burt, you and Maddox get two more guys and start searching the trails."

"Umm, I would, Jayce, but I haven't seen Maddox since I left him where we were working."

"No problem, maybe we'll run into him while searching. I still want you to get two guys and search the trails."

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