To The Medical Center We Go

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The ride back to the ranch was slow going because, true to his promise, Triton was extra careful not to jostle the unconscious passenger when taking his steps. His red-haired rider wiped at the narrow stains on his cheeks caused by the shed tears as every creak and squeak of the rolling bed's wheels had the man continuously glancing back to see if his husband was still unconscious.

Bill had radioed the ranch and told them to call for an ambulance to take Troy and Jaycen to the medical center. Along the way, he kept praying there weren't too many people in need of transport because only a handful of EMTs worked that side of the county's rescue squad.

Jaycen ran his fingers through his curly neck-length locks, then looked upward and whispered, "Mama, Daddy, we love and miss you two like crazy. I wish you were here to see how beautiful and mature our Lev has become. Troy and I are eternally grateful that you two entrusted him to us. He's the most cherished and precious gift we've ever been given. Please continue to watch over and keep your family safe, and if you can, would ya put in a good word for whatever Troy's condition is. I love him too much and can't even fathom what my life would be like without either of my boys. I know you're listening, and I can feel your comfort. I love you both."

About three-quarters of the way back, Jaycen felt another gut-wrenching pain, and this time, he felt Triton momentarily tremble before the horse stopped. The redhead dismounted and then quickly looked over Troy's peacefully resting body. He walked up to the horse's head and looked Triton directly in his eyes. Neither of them blinked or looked away.

"You felt it too, didn't ya, boy?"

Triton nodded his head and softly neighed.

"Levie," Jaycen stated more than asked.

The horse was a bit more excited in his response.

Jaycen dried his tears and jumped back onto the equine. "Let's get back as fast as possible, Tri."

Triton whinnied and traveled the remaining distance at a careful but much quicker pace.

Once the robber was cuffed and sitting in a cruiser, Rusty and Leon worked quickly getting the cashier's statement, and they confiscated his discharged firearm for ballistics so all their bases were covered. The distraught younger man asked if he'd be in any legal trouble. Rusty explained that it would depend on the other Witnesses' statements matching up with his story.

One of the Deputies also suggested seeking the professional advice of a criminal defense lawyer just to be safe. When the cashier stated that he didn't have the available funds to cover the expenses, the same Deputy gave him a list of six lawyers who worked Pro Bono, depending on the potential client's circumstances.

Before leaving the crime scene, Leon and Rusty flipped a coin to determine who was going to the hospital and who had the duty of telling their brothers about the accidental shooting. Rusty grimaced and balled up his face as he suggested the best two out of three. Leon chuckled and shook his head before getting into his cruiser and hightailing it to the center.

The Sheriff got into his cruiser, then took a couple deep breaths before making a call he seriously dreaded.

They'd just reached the paved parking area close to the farmhouse when Jaycen's phone rang.

"Jayce, it's Russ," Rusty said after two rings and without giving his honorary brother the chance for a greeting.

"Russ, I hate to be short, but..."

Rusty flicked his left turn signal on and headed down Duncan Rd. "Bro, I need you to listen first because this is probably more important."

"Triton and I know something's happened to Levie. However, Troy's been hurt also," Jaycen responded. He was about to say something else when he heard the call end and heard sirens getting closer.

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