Coming Together

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 Her approach was heard before you saw Maureen Jackson as her six-inch-stiletto heels click-clacked along the hospital floor because the echoing sound that resonated from her steps resembled a typewriter's keys.

The twenty-eight-year-old reverend possessed a well of endless energy, and she was renowned for her heart of gold and compassion for others. Conversely, Maureen's take-no-prisoners temper and sailor's vocabulary were also known traits. She was a woman of God who packed a punch and a pistol, and you didn't want to cross or try to argue with her, especially during her time of the month.

"Hey, bros, Rusty just told me what's happened. How's Lev doing," Maureen asked as she rushed over and hugged Jaycen and Troy. Being the Irish twin of Rusty Jackson, she'd grown up with them and was their and Levie's honorary sister.

"We're still waiting to hear about his condition, Sis," Troy responded.

"Please tell me Uncle Stu's the attending physician and not one of the less qualified fuckin' quacks they employ here," she paused, raised her eyes to the heavens, and said, "I know, I promised, but you know I'm a work-in-progress. Amen."

The Stillman men and Wilmonts couldn't stop laughing because of the flaming redhead's boisterous outburst.

"Calm down, Reenie," Jaycen managed to say when the laughs slowed down enough. "Uncle Stu told Troy that he prepped our boy for surgery and that he'll be called when they're done with Lev or in case there's a need for him to be in the OR."

Maureen switched to her minister mode. She looked at those gathered, then asked everyone to join hands, and after receiving permission from Jayce and Troy, offered a prayer of thanks and protection for their loved ones and everyone who needed looking after. As soon as the prayer was finished, she introduced herself to the Wilmonts after apologizing for being rude and not doing so beforehand.
Her light blue eyes sparkled as she smiled.

"So, you're the Greg that Lev hasn't stopped talking about since the two of you met. I've been dying to meet you, young man."

"I hope it's been good things, Reverend," Greg respectfully responded as he shook the woman's offered hand. He visibly relaxed when the shorter woman pulled him into a warm and loving embrace and smiled as their energy passed back and forth between their bodies.

"To hear Lev describe you, one would think you created the triple-layer hot fudge-coated chocolate cake that Millie's Bakery sells."

Everyone giggled when Brandon's stomach growled because of the deliciousness of the description. They all sat down and continued chatting while waiting for an update.

"Jayce, Troy?"

"Yeah, Tom," the couple responded.

"I'd love to hear about how you two raised Levie from birth. I don't mean to sound like an unbeliever, but it's not something I've heard about before. Especially given there's only ten years between the three of you."

Greg and Brandon perked up at their dad's question and said, "We'd love to hear about that, too."
Jaycen and Troy smiled, then lovingly stared into each other's eyes as they moved in sync to gently wipe the teardrops from one another's cheeks before sharing a soft kiss. Linda and Tom were moved by the younger couple's deeply rooted love and devotion. They held hands and leaned against one another, with their heads pressed together. Greg and Brandon smiled as they looked at the pair of married couples and held each other's hand. Before the story began, Maureen's cell lit up, and she excused herself. After ending the call, the minister hugged everyone and told them she had to leave to tend to a parishioner.

Just as Jaycen was about to speak, he was interrupted by the sound of tables being rearranged. The families looked to see an older couple getting six square tables and eight chairs lined up in one of the Er's glassed-in waiting areas. Next, they placed a heaping mound of fried chicken, a huge travel container of mashed potatoes with gravy in another container, eight ears of corn, and some fudge brownies for dessert in the center of the tables.

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