Cherished Moments

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 Jaycen and Troy thanked their parents for coming to the hospital and dropping them off at the store, where the Golden Eagle was still parked. They hugged and kissed them before the older couple drove home. Despite Troy's instance that he was okay to drive, Jaycen jumped into the driver's seat.

"You and our boy totally scared me today, Troypup."

"I'm sorry, babe."

Jaycen leaned to the right and kissed his husband's cheek while waiting for the light to turn green.

"I don't know what I'd do without my boys." The emotional thirty-year-old redhead wiped the tears from his eyes before his vision blurred.

"If I can help it, you'll never have to discover the answer to that, ya big softie,"

Troy smiled and gently patted his husband's hand. The couple shared a quick glance as the Jeep smoothly drove along the highway. They forgot how much fun driving Levie's Golden Eagle was, especially when the weather allowed them to enjoy not having the hard and soft tops and doors attached. The night was peaceful, with the moon and stars shining brightly in the sky.

Jaycen's emerald green eyes sparkled as an idea came to him. He quickly gazed at the only man he'd ever been in love with and asked, "Troy, what do ya say we get a couple sleeping bags and campout at our favorite spot?"

Troy's soft neck-length locks flipped in the wind, illuminated by the moonlight as his light brown eyes brightened. He widely smiled and said, "Babe, that's an amazing idea. We haven't been able to do that in a while." He squirmed and boyishly giggled when his playful mate's fingers lightly stroked along the length of his muscular arms. "You know that tickles, Jayce."

Jaycen chuckled and enjoyed the cherished light and airy sound of his man's giggles.

"Yep, and I did it to hear one of my favorite sounds."

Troy shook his head and played with the shimmering red hair.

"You're so unexpectedly sappy, my sweet Jaycen," he said with a chuckle.

Jaycen turned onto the ranch's long dirt drive and parked the Jeep between Troy's dark purple Twenty-Twenty-Two Dodge Charger and his Twenty-Twenty-One Silver Chevrolet Silverado four-door truck. As soon as the engine was shut down, the guys jumped out of the vehicle, ran into the house, and grabbed everything they needed for the night. They locked the doors, climbed into the Eagle, and drove across the grassy property to their favorite spot near the mountain's base.
The thirty-year-old men felt like teens again, with the wind from the Golden Eagle's speed blowing through their hair. They whooped, hollered, and squealed with youthful vigor as their bodies bounced in the tan leather bucket seats. The Jeep skidded to a stop and rocked from side to side when they reached their destination.

The excited couple took a moment to gaze at and cherish the romantic and exquisite picturesque scene of the moonlight and stars reflected in the shallow pond they created for themselves. When designing the water feature, Jaycen and Troy wanted the deepest part of the water to reach the waist of a six-foot-tall male.

"Jayce, look up on the ridge," Troy whispered as he tightened his grip on his mate's arm.

Jaycen gasped when he saw a proud, strong, and healthy-looking eight-point stag and his doe gazing out into the peaceful night sky, illuminated by a shaft of shimmering moonlight. He and Troy smiled as they leaned their heads together and thanked the Goddess for allowing them to enjoy the beautiful animals.

They unloaded the sleeping bags, a large blanket, two beach towels, and a picnic basket and set the things on the ground. Then, after getting everything set up for their night of romance under the stars, the brunette and redhead stripped, folded their clothing, placed them in the Eagle's passenger seat, and sat their sneakers on the floorboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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