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"What time are you picking Kyra up?" Leah asked when we woke up on Friday. It was a little before 8am when I woke up. Leah had been awake already and had been running her hand up and down my back, tracing patterns that still made my heart flutter even if I was half awake. I grumbled before trying to get impossibly closer to her. "5 I think."

"You think?" I didn't respond as I was too tired.

"Hey, wake up and let's get moving, we can grab coffee before training," she held out 'training' making me groan again.

Eventually I got up and we headed to the coffee house talking to Scott for a while before heading back to Leah's to get ready for training. I hadn't realized I had a whole drawer of clothes at Leah's. I felt like I was invading her space, but she reassured me it was completely fine with her.

Training was a success, Lotte and I were paired together the whole time. It was nice to catch up with her, it feels like I haven't seen her as much even though we're on the same team. We planned to go on a bike ride soon though, something I'm definitely looking forward to.

After training Leah dropped me back at mine so I could get ready and go to dinner with Kyra, Less, and Vic. I had texted Vic asking what I should wear and she said it was casual, so I decided on some jeans and a white tee. Kyra told me that we were meeting Vic and Less there so I didn't really worry about having to set things up which was nice. It was 4:45pm so I decided to head to Kyra's, she walked out and got in my car signaling the start of our journey into town.

"So," She had a mischievous look on her face making my heart drop. "How are you and Leah?"

I rolled my eyes, I was expecting worse for some reason. My heart fluttered at the mention of her name and I couldn't stop the blush that was forming. "We're... we're doing good." Kyra smiled.

"Well that's good. I'm glad you're happy, moving to Arsenal wasn't such a bad thing huh." I was grateful to have a friend like Kyra, sure she was annoying and always causing trouble, but I knew she cared. She cares deeply about the people closest to her and I'm glad to be one of those people. She's someone I've really clicked with here outside of Leah, Vic, and Viv obviously. That reminded me, I was going to mention a double date to Beth and Viv, and I think they'd love the idea. And so would Leah.

"Have Vic and Less arrived yet?"

"Uh, yeah. Less just texted me. They're in a corner booth." Kyra explained as I parked the car. Less had picked a sushi place for us all, though it's not my favorite I do enjoy it every once in a while.

Vic spotted us and we all said hello to each other giving hugs and such before settling down. I was sat next to Less and Kyra sat across from me with Vic next to her.

Each of us ordered a drink and some edemame to share. We caught up with each other asking what was new and how we've been. Sharing our nerves for the up coming conti cup match against chelsea. Though Vic reassured us we'd win, and I'm going to hold her to that. Vic and Less continued chatting away with Kyra adding in here and there. While I removed myself, reflecting on my friends that I was grateful to have made. I was nice to catch up and see them outside of training, to see their true personalities.

When the waiter came back Less and I decided to share a plate while Kyra and Vic shared a plate. The tables conversation resumed and I zoned out once again looking around the restaurant. It was quaint, but had a warm feeling to it. Conversation buzzed around the whole place making it feel welcoming. I felt someone kick my shin making me wince, snapping out of my trance I looked straight to Kyra. Who quickly shifted her gaze to Less, who was looking at me and so was Vic. "Uhh," I shifted my gaze between all three of them trying to figure out what was asked.

Reassurance || Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now