Thirty Two

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The rest of the week after my birthday had consisted of training, recovery, coffee, and sleep. Leah and I were headed home after training today both tired and worn out. We'd decided on staying in tonight and watching a movie at Leah's place. I loved when we stayed in, don't get me wrong I love going out, but I also love to stay in.

I told Leah she had to pick a movie other than Lord of the Rings as I'd already say through it multiple times with her and I needed a break. As I cooked us tacos for dinner, I could hear Leah scrolling through the options. I fought hard to contain my laughter, she could never decide.

"Found something yet?" I asked as I sat next to her setting our plates on the table in front of us.

"Umm.." She kept scrolling, "Yep!" She chose Amsterdam, which is ironic for a number of reasons. I think it's that movie with that Taylor Swift cameo in it.

I stifled a laugh and she just glared at me, we watched the movie and ate our tacos in silence solely enjoying each others presence. The movie was also quite good and both of us were engrossed. After we'd both finished eating I spread out on the couch and Leah laid practically on top of me, so I placed the blanket on top of us as we continued watching, both of us laughing at the movies silliness.

I tried my best not to dose off, but I couldn't help the tiredness that washed over me. It didn't help that Leah was drawing random shapes on my side lulling me to sleep. I woke with a jolt as Leah shook me awake. "What the fuck. God you've almost given me a heart attack." I exclaimed about ready to jump up.

"I barely shook you!" She laughed standing in front of me. I rolled my eyes and stood up slowly still not filling awake. "C'mon babe let's go to sleep." I hummed in agreement and she took my hand guiding me to the bedroom.

We laid in bed for a moment, it was quiet the only sound the low hum of the fan on above us. If I didn't know any better I'd think it was my own brain going a million miles an hour, but I didn't have many thoughts at the moment. Instead it's like I could feel Leah's brain battling within itself. I shifted in her arms turning to face her, I placed my hand gently on her cheek rubbing it with my thumb. "What's on your mind? I can hear you thinking."

Her eyes met mine as if she was searching for something, "move in with me."

I was quiet for a moment, I already knew my answer but it had just taken me by surprise. "If you want to. You don't have to, but I'd love if you did." She was vulnerable right now, I knew that.

I lifted my head placing a kiss on her forehead, "I'd love to move in with you." I smiled finding a huge grin on her face. She wrapped her arms around me tighter and I ducked my head into her neck laughing. She placed kisses on my head before joining in my laughter.

I think it's safe to say we both slept soundly that night, excited for what's to come, and excited to actually live with each other. Though we practically did already, we were either at mine for weeks or hers for weeks at a time. We never slept separately unless we were away on national duty.

Before we knew it, it was the weekend again and it was time for our game against Liverpool. The bus left early in the morning, and I think I slept almost the whole bus ride. Leah shook me awake just before we arrived at the stadium giving me time to wake up a bit before we got off which I was grateful for.

Warmups were alright, I felt good but at the same time my legs felt achy. Not unusually ach, but achy enough where it was in the forefront of my mind. As we lined up in the tunnel I couldn't quiet focus on the game, I had began to feel off and I couldn't shake the feeling.

Once the game started we got into a rhythm and I tried my best to keep with it. I was playing fine, but I didn't feel fine. Our midfield was feeding our forwards with great chances, but we just couldn't finish them. Katie won us a corner and we all began to get set for it. I felt a gently hand on my side, it took a second for me to realize who it was because I still couldn't focus. I still felt off.

"Hey, you alright?" Leah's voice pierced through my mind and that's what I focused on. It was the only thing I could focus on.

"No, I can't focus." I quickly mumbled as Beth signaled she was ready for the corner.

She kicked it towards the near post where Alessia made her run, timing it perfectly her and a Liverpool defender jumped but Alessia got a majority of it placing it just past the keepers hands. The crowd erupted and we ran to the corner for our group hug.

As we came out of it and jogged back to our positions Leah fell in step with me. "Do you feel off? Do you need to get subbed?"

As much as I didn't want to be subbed at halftime it was probably for the best. I'd rather not push and be at risk of injuring myself or someone else because I couldn't focus. I could miss time a tackle and hit someone's ankles, I could do that and mess up my own ankles, I could hurt my knee, I could accidentally commit a foul, I could-

"Yeah at halftime." I cut my own thoughts short.

Leah nodded and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before the game resumed.

At halftime I came off and Lotte was subbed in as I made my way to the bench as the second half kicked off. I sat down and leaned back, sinking deep into my thoughts. "You alright mate?"

Kyra eyed me curiously, her eyes having a hint of concern in them. She may be silly and annoying sometimes, but I knew she cared.

"Yeah I'm alright, just felt off." She hummed in response, seemingly knowing what I meant. Though I had a feeling she didn't.

"I felt really achy during warmups and during the first half, and I couldn't focus. It was messing me up. So I don't want to risk getting injured you know."

"Ah, I see." Now she got it.

We sat and watched the rest of the second half together until Kyra got subbed in for Wally who'd just assisted Stina in our second goal of the game. I gave her a smile and a high five as she sat down next to me replacing Kyra. Wally and I didn't talk often, but she was Leah's best friend and my teammate therefore we got along. She was quiet like me, but when we and Leah were together you'd better watch out. When together they're practically attatched at the hip and bound to cause trouble.

In the dying minutes of the game Leah dispossessed one of the Liverpool forwards and sent a long ball right over Liverpools defense catching them by surprise. Stina had placed it perfectly and was now on the breakaway. Wally and I watched as Stina reached inside the box and kicked it to the right of the keeper scoring our third goal of the game. The game quickly came to a close after that with us winning 3-0.

I found Leah's side as we shook hands with the other players and began our walk in front of our traveling fans. Leah's presence was like a comfort to me, she knew how to keep me calm and silence my thoughts without even trying to.

As we sat down on the bus finally heading home after a long day, I rested my head on Leah's lap as she talked softly with Beth, Viv, and Steph. I wasn't really paying attention, as I was slowly drifting off into sleep as Leah ran her fingers through my blonde hair. Lulling me to sleep within a few minutes of the bus leaving the stadium.

The next thing I knew when I woke was that I was in a car driving to who knows where. "Where are we.." I mumbled slightly looking to my right seeing Leah driving.

She glanced towards me giving me a smile. "We're driving home love."

"How'd I even get in here?"

"Katie helped me carry you."

I couldn't help but softly laugh at that, Leah gave me a smile that made her eyes crinkle. Even in the darkness I could tell. My hand found hers fro the remainder of the car ride and when we arrived home neither of us took our time getting ready for bed. We hurriedly changed into comfy clothes and got ready. Both extremely tired from the day, even if I'd slept the whole way home I was still tired and I knew Leah was even more tired.

She curled into me placing her head in my neck, I wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on the top of her head before finally drifting off to sleep.

Reassurance || Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now