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Today was the day, my first chance at at trophy with Arsenal. The mighty Conti Cup, we were set to face off against Chelsea in about an hour or so. We were all sat in the changing room off in our own worlds psyching ourselves up. I felt good about today, I had a good feeling about it. I turned to Leah who was sat next to me, she was zoned out staring at her knee. That's when I knew something was wrong.

"Hey, what's up?" She turned to me.

"Oh nothing, my knee just feels a bit achy. It's probably nothing but I can't help but overthink it." I tilted my head and gave her a soft smile of reassurance. "I'm sure it'll be fine, but if it's a problem you can always ask to come off at halftime. I'm sure Jonas would understand."

"Yeah... yeah you're probably right. Thanks Tess."

"Anytime." I placed my hand on her thigh, she smiled a bit with a blush forming as well. Causing me to laugh at her a bit which in return made her bump into my shoulder. I chuckled and so did she, then we both headed out on the pitch for warmups.

The game was tough, one of the toughest matches I've play in a while. Both teams were evenly matched, not willing to concede a goal. We both had our chances, but in the 20th minute Chelsea struck first. I had tried to clear a ball but it took a deflection off of Erin Cuthbert, more so off her arm. My hand as well as Kim's and most of the team went up signaling a handball but the ref didn't stop the play. With the ball landing at Mayra Ramirez's feet, I had no time to get back into position to defend. She struck the ball and it slotted perfectly into the bottom corner, Manu couldn't stop it.

I was devastated. Kim had gone straight to the ref calling for a handball, but I couldn't move. Had I just lost us the game? Sure it was the 20th minute, but still. They struck first, they have the advantage. I felt a hand in my back, "It's not your fault Tess, that wasn't even a goal. VAR will overturn it." Vic reassured me. I hoped she was right.

A few minutes later, the ref took off the headset and called 'no goal.' THANK GOD. "Right, c'mon girls we've got a game to win!" Katie called, I moved back to my position before Manu took the goal kick. "Tess!" I turn my head to Leah who gave me a thumbs up, I returned it with a smile and she nodded her head.

It stayed nil nil up to half time, as we made our way back into the locker room I saw Leah walking with Jonas. I small limp present. Now this had me worried. I waited for her at the changing room door, when she finally reached me she pulled me into a quick hug. She needed it. We broke apart before entering the changing room and sitting down, "What's wrong Le?"

"My knee just hurts, nothing bad but I just wanted to take a precaution. Trust me I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Worry was evident on my face.

She placed a hand on my cheek reassuringly, "Yes Tess, I am fine."

"Okay, okay."

Our halftime break was quickly over and Lotte was subbed in for Leah. "You ready?" I said as Lotte ran over next to me. "Of course."

Lotte and I worked very well together for the next 45 minutes. The dead lock was still not broken, even when subs were brought on. Extra time was going to be needed and everyone's tiredness was starting to show on both teams. Before extra time hit something else happened, not anything we could've expected.

At some point in the extra time added on to the 90 minutes Chelsea had a break away and I was getting ready to defend, not paying attention to what was happening up field until the ref blew her whistle and people were running. I looked up confused, until I saw Arsenal medical staff and a few players running towards a player who was down. My heart dropped. I ran over to see what had happened and if I could help. Katie, who was already there, stopped me holding me back. "Hey hey hey, let them work. It's okay."

Reassurance || Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now