Twenty Five

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"Are you sure you've got everything. Like 100% sure?" I asked Leah once again due to her chaotic packing. She'd laid everything out over her bed yet still managed to forget things.

"Yes! I swear." She rolled her eyes as we were walking out the door.

"Juuust checking," Beth beeped the car horn at us as she'd offered to give us a ride to the airport. I loaded Leah and I's suit cases into the boot and took my seat in the backseat. "I've been banished to the back? Wow."

"You are the youngest. Therefore you've got to sit in the back." Beth teased me causing me to roll my eyes.

"By like three months. That's unfair." I crossed my arms and Beth just laughed. Leah turned to me from the front seat placing a hand on my knee. "I'll make it up to you later how about that?" I blushed. How could I not?

"Alright now, leave that to yourselves. There's others in this car. I will kick you guys out." Beth warned in a joking tone waving her hand at us as we just laughed.

The journey to the airport wasn't too long and the line through security wasn't terrible for once. The flight itself was alright, I think Leah slept through almost all of it. We had taken an afternoon flight so we would arrive around 7pm in Greece, Leah's head dropped onto my shoulder within ten minutes of settling down into our seats.

I read my book most of the flight careful not to move my shoulder too much. I didn't have the heart to move her head, she looked way too peaceful. After an hour or so I grew tired of reading my book, I set it down before finding a movie to watch on my phone. I had downloaded Spiderman Homecoming and decided that's what I'd watch.

The flight attendant came by to take our drink order, but I said no thanks as I knew Leah wouldn't be waking up. When our decent started Leah shifted waking up and lifting her head to look out the window before silently placing her head back on my shoulder. I planted a kiss on the top of her head before resting my own on hers.

Customs wasn't too bad and we quickly made our way to a taxi which took us to the hotel I had booked us. It was right on the water in Crete and absolutely stunning. "This is our hotel?" Leah asked in awe.

"Yes liefje. I'll always treat you to the best." Leah blushed. I kissed the to of her head as I pulled her into a short hug before grabbing our things and checking us into our hotel room. "Fancy some dinner? I'm starving."

"Me too," I replied as we exited our hotel room and made our way to a lit up boardwalk. Leah pointed out this quaint restaurant that had outside seating, it was a lovely restaurant to say the least.

We sat down each ordering a glass of wine while chatting amongst ourselves taking in the beautiful view of the beach we had. Conversations with Leah were always easy, no matter what the situation was. One of the many things I loved about Leah.

Another glass of wine later, the waiter came and took our orders. Of course Leah got the most basic item, fish and chips though I couldn't really say anything considering I got the same thing. Children at heart really.

It was silent for a moment, both of us simply enjoying the others presence. That was another thing, the silence between Leah and I was always so loud but never in a bad way. Both of us simply enjoyed just being around each other. We didn't have to talk to the other to know how much we cared for each other. We didn't have to talk about anything really, simply being with the other, or holding the others hand, or giving the other a reassuring squeeze, and so on was enough for us. Yet again another thing I loved about Leah and I's relationship. I was deep in thought about this until Leah's words brought me back, "Thank you."

My brows furrowed a bit, "For what?"

"For everything Tess, you've shown me how I'm supposed to be treated. Nobody's ever done what you've done for me. I love everything about you, I love how much effort you put in, I love how selfless you are, I love you Tess." I couldn't help but blush profusely and look down at my empty plate. After a moment I looked back up, meeting Leah's soft gaze. "I wouldn't treat you any other way."

Reassurance || Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now