Twenty Six

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When Lynn had flown out for Vic's injury we had made plans to room together during international break. Lynn thought it'd be easier so we could both swap information on how Vic is. In reality though, Lynn had told me Vic wanted her to room with me because she knows I don't like change. My friends are so considerate. I love them too much, they mean the world to me. Really.

I plopped down on the bed closest to the door making Lynn laugh as she walked through the door behind me. I was still tired from my Greece trip. "Get ready we leave soooon," Lynn sang the last part. Our team had planned a little outing before our training really started, apparently we were going to a club.

Even though I was tired, I always enjoyed going out with friends. I put in a simple, tight black dress; Lynn was wearing a white button up and cream pants. We met up with the team in the lobby before heading to the club.

All of us ordered drinks setting up a night full of fun. I had maybe three drinks and was most definitely drunk. I stood next to Lynn almost the whole time until we finally got on the dance floor. I was dancing with Lynn which was a lot of fun, until at some point she was disappeared with Wieke and Jill. I closed my eyes frowning slightly but continued dancing anyways because who cares.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I assumed it was Lynn. We danced together for another song of so until the movements started getting semi sexual. Lynn, or so I thought, pressed my back against their front. I pushed her away, the drunken haze immediately clearing, I turned around.

"What the hell are you doing?," I turned to see a brunette who looked to be my age smirk at me.

"Dancing with a pretty lady, what's the harm?" She pulled me in again placing a hand on my cheek.

"I'm taken." I pushed her off me and began trying to find Lynn. I ran right into someone who turned around, I was about to apologize but realized it was Jackie.

"Oh my god Jackie, I need to leave. Please, can I go back to the hotel? I need to go, I can't be here. Please, I can't, I can't-" I pleaded.

"Hey, hey, hey what happened? Are you okay?" She placed a protective arm around me and we walked out of the club. I explained the situation to her in hysterics and she hailed a ride back to the hotel.

I immediately went to my room and cried, I felt terrible. I didn't know what to think. How did this happen to me? Why couldn't I just dance without someone making a move on me? Why couldn't I just be left alone? Why did I lose Lynn? Why-

My phone began ringing, snapping me out of my thoughts. Leah. Leah was calling. I couldn't answer. I couldn't.

I let it ring out, and then again, and then again. Leah called maybe eight times, I lost count after three. I was too scared to face her. What if she was mad at me? I bet she'll be angry, I bet she'll think I cheated on her. I bet she'll leave me. Everything was my fault. My fault.

I wasn't sure when Lynn came in, but it was very early in the morning and I still hadn't fallen asleep. Lynn seemed to be on the phone with someone, but I couldn't tell who. I was too far in my head about prior events.

I felt a dip on the side of my bed, I didn't move thought, "Hey Tess, someone's on the phone for you." I couldn't. I couldn't do it. I can't. I-

"Te?" I heard her voice through the phone, it was barely a whisper but I could recognize it anywhere. I debated for a moment longer before slowly taking the phone from Lynn's hand and sitting up slightly. Lynn took this as her queue to give me space.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, voice tired from crying.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" Worry was clear in her voice. No hint of anger that I thought would be present was found.

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