Chapter 2: Here Comes Cure Paladin! The Wave Of Calmness!

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Faeland, a colorful land distant to the universe of humans!

Fairies, pixies, mermaids, elves and other creatures lived there!

Among them were legendary warriors, destined to save the land!


~ 🟠🍀💧🌸🎵🔥⭐️ ~


💧 Here Comes Cure Paladin! 💧

沈静の波 !

🌊 The Wave of Calmness! 🌊

The previous day, Senki defeated a Dungeonborg for the first time and received a new PreCoin.

Afterwards, she collapsed.

Matilda, her appointed knight and the Precure of water and calmness, along with Pixie Ichigo and Pixie Ringo, escorted the princess to Hotaru's shop, where Senki recovered.

Then, Hotaru told Senki about her success with the bunny figurines, and how Senki's advice worked perfectly.

That night, Matilda, Hotaru and the pixies discussed Senki's powers.

Meanwhile, the princess stared at the PreCoin that she recovered from the Black Dice.

"Wow. It is so pretty..."

It was an orange-colored token with a fork and knife engraved in it.

"How is it possible for Princess Senki to have such reaction to Fairy Energy -gogo?" Asked Ichigo.

"It must have been due to the early usage of Max Power." Said Matilda. "Not only did this power use her strength and erased her memories, but it seems her Fairy Energy was affected as well."

"So that's why she had troubles saying her name?" Asked Hotaru, who sat at the table after finishing her work for the day. "This Max Power you talk about, is it THAT strong to affect whoever uses it unpreparedly?"

Matilda nodded. "We will need to collect as much Fae Dust from the Faeflower as we can. Its power can help her recharge her Fairy Energy and hopefully aid in recovering her memories.

When the Faeflower chooses the next legendary Precure, it forms a bond by sharing a first portion of Fae Dust with its user. Once she uses Fae Dust to transform and summon her wings, the bond is sealed, and it can never be torn or broken."

"I see." Hotaru put a hand on her chin. "This Faeflower and Senki-san are connected, right? So, why don't you head back to Faeland right away?"

"We can, but we also need to gather the remaining six Precures." Matilda looked away. "The power of all nine Precures is essential to save Faeland. And now it seems the Outlaws are targeting Everspring Town as well.

Those Outlaws have just begun using objects from this world. With an object called the Black Dice, they summon Dungeonborgs to achieve their goal. The more Dungeonborgs they bring forth, the more Dungeon Energy they gather to unseal Tengoku and his powers."

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