019 || tobio kageyama ᯓ★

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✿ [ kageyama x fem!reader ] ✿

TITLE : jealous - ?

y/n = your name, l/n = last name.

[ small info: kageyama and
y/n are child hood friend!
also the matches in this chapter
are non-canon, did not happen! ]

[ 1st person pov ]

          i feel my phone buzz in my pocket. as i'm walking down the road, on my way home from school; i can't help but sigh a little because it was pretty chilly — and i didn't wanna bring my hands out my pockets to see the message..at the same time, o got curious. so i decided to suck it up.

i watched my misty breath disappear from the air, and i brought out my phone. it was cold to the touch, the screen fogging almost in seconds of being out my jacket though.

the text was from my friend, tobio. it read:

"my game tonight?"

tobio was always vague in his texts, but what i did know is he was referring to the volleyball game he had tonight. this was his own straightforward way of asking me to come watch.

i stared at the phone screen for a moment, before typing a slow response in return, typing with one hand only.

"sorry tobio, i already have plans. y'know i told you about them right?"

it's true, i had plans to watch a different volleyball match, because there was a specific player i was looking forward to seeing tonight.

tooru oikawa.
oikawa would be the boy i always see on the sports magazines. he was a player i admired, and not because he was just good looking but because he was talented. i've expressed my admiration about this boy oikawa to tobio but he seems to rather shut down every time i say something about the brown hair guy, so i just don't talk about it.

i'm sure tobio understands, even though i admire oikawa i still think tobio is the best. i've been to many of his games; just once i wanna see a different game.
i guess i've been friends with him for ages, so being his close friend just comes with the warranty that i got to attend all his matches...not tonight though — but like i said, he'll understand, right?


he plainly responds.

he's a dry texter, but wow i could sense his attitude through the screen. that boy is colder than this weather when he wants to be.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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