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Camila stared into her lap the whole drive as Jake, Corey and Sam talked about whatever they pleased.

"Camila, we're here." Sam muttered, making her pick her head up to admire the house in front of her.

It was fucking huge. "Jesus." She whispered, Colby let out a slight laugh beside her.

"Dont get too excited, sweetheart. This place is hell." He said, smirk on his face. "Sam, go make sure the girls are nowhere around."

Sam did just that, then five minutes later he came outside to nod at Colby, who then had Camila follow him inside.

The interior was just as beautiful as outside, so much space. She had never seen anything like it, it was way too different to what she had back in Vegas.

"Come on." Colby grumbled, urging her to follow him. "You'll stay in the guest room. It's in between Sam and I's, try not to be too damn loud with the crying - it tends to be a distraction. You can stay in there until I can decide what I want to do with you."

"Wow, thank you ever so fucking much." Camila snapped, he grabbed her roughly by the wrist and got up into her face.

"What did I say about your fucking tone, Camila? Fucking watch it." He growled, Camilas heart beat picked up in fear, and she took a step back as he let go of her. "Your room will be locked at all times. No circumstances. You have a bathroom in there and I'll have Sam bring you food or whatever in the day."

She stayed silent as he pushed her into the room, slamming the door behind her and she heard the lock click.

She was now officially and definitely fucked. How the fuck does one even end up in a situation like this? Not by buying fucking barbie dolls that's not.

Camila wondered what he meant outside when he mentioned girls. Were there more? Did he keep them alive too? Was there any hope for her or was she just being delusional?

She paced around the room for a minute before falling down onto the bed, curling into herself and sobbing quietly. Nobody fucking deserved this.

"What are you gonna do with her?" Jake asked.

"I don't know? Kill her-?"

"No, Colby. You're not killing her, she never fucking asked for this. If you're gonna kill anyone it should be Ariya and Kevin for making this happen. She had no part in it."

"Yeah, but she's a fucking snarky bitch so why would I want to keep her around?" Colby asked.

"You kept Stas around, you didn't kill her." Jake mentioned, Colby rolled his eyes.

"Thats because Stas wasn't a raging cunt."

"You kept Stas around because you thought the girls needed someone. That was four years ago, Colby. They need someone new- hell, maybe we need someone new we've been out doing jobs so much that we don't even spend time with our girlfriends." Sam argued.

"Fine- I'll keep her around. If she so much as makes one fucking move to mess around she'll be shot in two seconds. And she's not meeting the girls yet she needs a story." Colby gave in.

"And what's your story?"

"Same as everything else, met her at a bar, got along and we're fucking?"

"Sure, whatever."

Meanwhile, Camila was still sobbing out all of her feelings into a pillow.

She knew if anyone were to walk in she'd look like a pathetic mess, but she didn't care. She missed her siblings, and all she could imagine was the looks they would've had on their faces when she'd give them their presents. Pure, youthful excitement.

But they were just a memory now.

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