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The party ended hours later and Camila was forced to watch painfully as the guests left one by one as she came to the realisation she was alone once more.

Colby had taken the dress after he led her to her room, and as he left he locked the door once more.

So, now she was stuck to rereading her book and sleep. Nothing more and nothing less.

Sam didn't even come up that night to give her snacks, so instead she tucked herself underneath the covers to go to sleep.

As she hugged herself underneath the covers, a knock rang throughout her room.

The door opened before she could answer and Colby appeared in the doorway. "Just checking on you."


"Be grateful I did and stop asking so many fucking questions." Sam really wasn't lying about his short temper. "Kat asked me to ask you if you wanted to go shopping with her and the girls." He muttered.

"I'm allowed to leave?"

"Sam will be going with you guys, you'll have my card and you can buy everything you need for in here."

"Oh." Camila mumbled. "Thank you."

"That's fine. I mean, since you're so obviously bored to death in here." Colby said.

"Haha." She said, deadpanned.

"Okay." Colby said, a slight smile on his face. "Sweet dreams."

"Have good nightmares." Camila muttered, snuggling back into her sheets and drifting off to sleep after the shut and lock of the door.

The next day rolled around quickly, and Camila was woken by a knock on her door again.

"Morning, Camila." Sam said. "We're leaving in an hour for shopping."

"What time is it?" Camila asked.


"Fuck, I've been sleeping so long." She mumbled as she sat up.

Sam laughed. "See you in an hour." And then he was gone.

Camila started to get ready, taking a quick shower and running a brush through her hair. She had to towel dry it since she had yet been given a hairdryer, she could get that today.

She put on a skirt and a top, then wrapped herself in a jacket and put on the shoes she'd come here in since she had no others, then opened the door, shocked to find it had remained unlocked.

"Camila! Morning, you okay?" Kat asked as Camila walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I feel good." Camila replied, smiling.

"Camila." Colby said, walking towards her and holding out his card. "Get whatever. No budget. But a favour though, don't let Kat near it. Last time I let her use my card she bought herself a flat screen."

Camila snorted as Kat blushed in embarrassment. "You didn't say anything about TVs!"

"Because I didn't think you needed one!" Colby said.

"Remember, no talking to anyone." Colby muttered.

"Yup, got it." Camila mumbled.

"I mean it, Camila. Don't fuck up your chance." He said, then walked away to a different room.

"Okay, cmon Sam."

Sam groaned, forcing himself to stand up. "We went shopping like five days ago do you really need to go again?"

"Camila needs things!" Kat said, using Camila as an excuse with a goofy smile, winking at her.

"Yeah, Sam. Camila needs things." Camila laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Camila needs things!" He said, mimicking their voices as Kat cackled.

When they got there, Sam had to quickly follow after them as they rushed to. The first store. It was filled with a bunch of essentials. So, Camilla quickly grabbed a hairdryer and a couple makeup products as Kat and the girls looked around, picking up a few things here and there.

They went into a clothes store then, and the girls helped Camila pick out a couple pairs of shoes. Camila was going to put a huge dent in Colbys bank account just to spite him. She picked out three pairs of heels and a couple casual wear.

"Food? I'm starving." Tara said.

"Yes, please!" Stas groaned, holding her stomach. "I haven't ate all morning. Is this Colbys treat?"

"Damn right it is." Camila mumbled, and Sam snorted.

Sam bought Katrina's food as Camila paid for hers, Devyn's, Stas' and Tara's.

"So," Kat said, her mouth filled with food. "What did Colby say when he dragged you away in that hallway?"

Camila paused. "Oh, err...that was nothing. He just wanted to make sure I was having a good time. He hasn't spoken to me a lot so he just wanted to know how I was."

Sam was shocked at how easily the lie came from her mouth.

"Aw, how sweet of him. Must be turning a bit of a softie." Devyn said.

"Ha, yeah..." Camila said, the memory of her face being squeezed between his fingers replaying in her mind.

They finished up their food and then they all collectively decided to go to a decor store to help Camila decorate her room. She was a bit confused for a moment as to why they didn't find it weird that she and Colby weren't in the same room, then remembered that they'd all been in this position.

When they got in, Kat assigned them all to different areas of the store to find things. Stas was to find any plants that she'd thought Camila would like, Tara was to find paint for her walls, Devyn was to look for a couple storage things since they'd already bought a couple things for her room in another store, and Kat, Sam and Camila went to find anything extra like mirrors, paintings and whatever else.

"Ooh, what about this, Cam?" Kat asked, running over to a pot that seemed to be filled with fake, half - dead roses.

"Oh, that's cute." Camila said, walking over and grazing her fingers over it. "Let's get it. Colbys paying anyway."

Kat laughed, picking up the pot and placing it in their cart.

Kat and Sam walked along the aisle together, but Camila got distracted.

Across from the aisle they were in and into another was the man she'd spoken to last night. Hal Harper, was it?

He was with a beautiful woman, with long dark curls and flawless makeup. She looked rich, if anything. Can a person look rich? Who cares, she looked it for sure.

Hal placed a kiss on her cheek, then her lips, then her forehead. Then, Camila watched as he looked around, luckily missing Camilas eyes and instead laying on Sam's figure, but Sam hadn't noticed him.

Hal seemed to get the woman's attention by grabbing her wrist, whispered something in her ear and Camila watched as her eyes changed from happy to nervous. Then she watched as the two left their cart and left the store in a hurry, their heads down.

What the fuck?

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