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The next day was a bad one. Camila had woken up with a slight headache, and her body seemed to reject all types of food. And with that came the self-hatred that she had been trying to push down for the past three or so weeks she had been trapped there.

The worst of it was that she had trying to push down the thought of the twins. It seemed cruel, but there wasn't much else she could do. Thinking about them and worrying about them would never help her in the long run. It wasn't like she was ever going to leave this place, and her sadness was going to help her in any way.

But she couldn't stop thinking about them.

Three or more weeks they had been stuck all alone. With a crappy mother and a father that was barely ever fucking there, it was just them.

Camila wondered what they thought had happened to her. They were only young, they didn't know about what real dangers she could be in. Sure, they knew about stranger danger and all the basics, Camila had taught them that. But they didn't know what happened if you were actually taken.

She hoped they just thought she was on a long walk, about to come home any second to give them a massive bag of toys and to prepare some pancakes and strawberries for them.

She absolutely hated the thought that she had been living in luxury, being given a card whenever she went out without a budget while they were probably eating cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Camila had been rotting in bed the whole morning thinking about them, her stomach hurting and her brain banging against her skull as if it were trying to escape. Literally her.

That was until she decided to run herself a bath, maybe it would calm her nerves. She could just sit there and not think about anything. Pretend she was still with her siblings.

So that's what she did, and now she sat comfortably against the walls of the bath, bubbles surrounding her body as she thought about Jenna and Jamie.

She thought about being back in the park with them, sat on the bench and watching Jenna spin around on the swing, then letting herself go and squealing as she spun quickly, and as Jamie would slide down the slide on his stomach, laughing his life away as he reached the bottom.

Camila quickly came to the realisation that it wasn't helping as she felt the burning sensation sting at her eyes. She hated crying, it felt like she had been doing too much of that since she'd been here. Her eyes started to look dead.

It wasn't even like she had music, she couldn't even watch anything. It was like she had participated in one of those cleansing things where you throw all your shit in a bag and lock it away. That's exactly what she felt like, she felt isolated.

It had even come to the point where she missed Kyle, and seeing him everyday s she clocked in for work. That was weird since he had always acted a bit weird towards her, but to be fair she was going a bit crazy.

She wanted her old life back. Sure, she enjoyed the fancy things and all the fancy parties and feeling like a princess, and finally having a group of girls that's she could basically call friends. But she missed her siblings. She would throw all the luxuries away for them in a heartbeat.

God, I need to get out of this fucking bath. she thought, stepping out quickly and wrapping herself in a towel and unclipping her hair.

She looked outside, trying to detect what time it was by the sky. The sun hadn't even set yet, great.

"Whats on your mind?" Sam asked, sitting down beside Colby. Jake, Corey and all of the girls were in the living room, playing some random game on the tv.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Colby replied, "it's all fucking up my brain."

"Don't play that shit with me, what's up?"

Colby sighed, turning his head to Sams waiting look and gave in. "Camila has officially put a target on herself, but not just herself. Us, too. If anyone finds out that we made a mistake, and we got her involved in shit she has nothing to do with we're well and truly fucked."

"Is it really that big of a deal?"

"Sam, you know Hal. Has there ever been a time where he hasn't found a loophole? Ever? No. Never. He is going to find a way to torment and ruin her life even worse than it is." Colby sighed, rubbing his face.

"So, you care about her enough to stress about this?" Sam asked.

"No, Sam, I couldn't give a fuck. But we're the ones who put her here and I'm not just gonna let an innocent girl get fucked over because of us." Colby said, then his face turned serious. "Her siblings lives are gonna be used."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Our dealers down in Vegas told me that Hal's been poking around asking people for missing peoples cases down there." Colby explained. "I think he's trying to find Camilas full real name so he can find her siblings and use them as a way to get her to reveal herself. And she'll fucking do it. We shouldn't have even let her out in the first place."

"Yeah, my bad..." Sam muttered sheepishly. "So Hal's actually already finding a loophole? It's not even been 24 hours."

"I know. Which is why we need to think now."
Colby said seriously. "We need to talk to Camila, first of all. We need her to actually understand what goes on and how things will go if she doesn't play right."

"You really think she's gonna be okay with that?"

"Fuck no, she's gonna hate it but that doesn't matter, she needs to know."


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