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"Everything okay?" Colby asked Camila, who was nervously looking around the house that they'd just arrived in.

"Hm? Oh, yeah...I'm fine." She replied. She was not fine. At all. Her nerves were through the roof, and Colby could tell.

"Just stay by my side and you'll be fine. I promise." He whispered, taking her hand and walking through the multiple groups of people that were scattered around.

"Are you sure? Cause that Hal guy is staring at us." Camila mumbled, keeping her eyes away from Hal.

"Yeah, because he's insecure. No woman hes ever had could look as good as you do in this moment." What the fuck?

"Where did that come from?" She asked, forcing her body to not blush, it was compliment, sue her.

"Just playing the part, Camila." He said, smiling down at her. "You really do look beautiful, though."

"Dont butter me up now, Colby." Camila said, not looking at him.

"You can't call it that if it's the truth."

"Your little nice act can work around everyone else. But let's just remember you and your dumbass friends are the reason I'm in this fucked up position."

"Don't be like that, Camila." He said. "Just have a good fucking night."

"Sure." Camila said, her voice dead.


Camila turned, finding Hal Harper stood behind her. "Oh, nice to see you again, Hal."

"Yes, a pleasure seeing you again,. Seems to be a little tense over here." He replied. "Do you mind if I have a little chat with Mr. Brock here, Viola?"

"Oh, of course. I'll go find Kat, find me later." Camila said, shooting a nervous glance towards Colby, who only send a reassuring smile her way.

"Kat! Hey," Camila had no problem finding Kat, her pink hair stood out in the sea of blondes and brunettes.

"Hey! You okay? Not nervous, are you?" Kat joked.

"No, I'm fine," Camila laughed. "Sam, Colbys having a, err, chat with Hal Harper, thought you'd want to know."

Sam's eyebrows furrowed, and he thanked her before excusing himself and going to look for Colby.

"What was that about?" Tara asked, coming over to the two.

"I don't know, seemed a bit weird. You know when people have that oh I don't wanna talk in front of this person tone. I don't know, just felt a bit weird." Camila mumbled, looking through the crowd and watching as Sam's blonde hair disappeared into a corridor.

"It's probably nothing, they always have these random chats. Then, we usually get left alone with their wives. They're all so mean!" Kat said in a hushed tone, looking around and sending over-acted smiles towards the older women in the area.

"Yeah, it's probably nothing. I always get stupid gut feelings. I swear you can never trust those things." Camila laughed it off, brushing away the bad feeling in her gut and accepting the glass that Devyn had come over with.

"What are we talking about?"

Camila explained again to Devyn and Stas, who both said that there was probably nothing to worry about. Then, they all found a place to relax and talk.

"Yeah, so I asked Sam if we could throw an actual party, like not one of those fancy party things but like a crazy typa thing. Well, he said I had to learn my lesson after the last one..." Kat said, and the rest of the girls laughed besides Camila.

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