[27] The One I Want

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As the sun rises upI mark you in my mapI know there's a pretty big gapBut I still like you, no cap

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As the sun rises up
I mark you in my map
I know there's a pretty big gap
But I still like you, no cap

You're just a message away
But I can't say the things I wanted too
Will I really be hiding 'til past May?
Because if so, I'd rather move on now too

Your heart is the one I went to
Just tell me how to earn you and I will do
I might seem desperate but all I want is you
I'm not lying at all, it's all true

"There's plenty of men you can see"
Would they be caring the way you can be?
"There's plenty of fish in the sea"
Do any of them see the way you see?

I might just save my life by running
But all I did was think as I'm planning
Having you surely will feel like winning
I can't help it every time I encounter this feeling

I can't help myself even if there's other
I want you and not any other
At this state, I might just ask you to meet later
Eat dinner and give you this multi-page letter

No matter how much I run and pant
You're still the one I want
No matter how many times I rant
You're still the one I want

SO LONG, EDIMARWhere stories live. Discover now