Hey guys! This "chapter" is basically just a more in-depth discussion of what this fan fiction will be like.
So, basically, this fanfic is about what I believe would have happened in the scenario where Ballister Boldheart was adopted by The Queen instead of becoming a knight. This is a gold heart (Goldenheart? Gold heart? Idk-) ship, however, Nimona will still be present. I have taken inspo from another creator (I'm sorry I don't remember their user) that only The Queen, Ballister and possibly the director know who Nimona really is as she takes form as one of Ballister many vibrant, pink pets whom are all named Nimona (although it is the same person, this is what they tell the staff/public).

BTW, there will deffinetly be fluff, possibly angst but I don't think any smut as I don't really like reading and writing it, but if there is any it will be very little.
Also I'm bad at TW so help lol
Sooo... yeah lol :)
I'm going to start with a prologue.


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