Chapter 4.

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The storm ripped through the city, tearing both small and large branches off trees. Bal could hear every noise from his room up in the castle towers. Rain pelted the window loudly, the occasional thunder and lighting cracking over the horizon - or right beside his windowsill. The odd pigeon huddled under the slight overhang of his window above his desk, fluffed up yet still drenched. Bal was sat on his bed, with his legs forming a sort of vertical triangle. A book rested on the crevice between his legs and stomach.

He sighed, flicking the page absent mindedly, not really paying attention to the words. Instead, they blurred together, giving him a headache. Still, the princes mind strayed to the week prior. After the date, neither had seen eachother, excluding the one prolonged glance when passing in the hallways. Ambrosious had seemed to enjoy his company... yet he still seemed to be ignoring the other, or he could just be busy with training.

He had to hold onto hope, because unfortunately, Bal didn't think he'd be able to brave the storm raging within him alone.

[Amb POV]
He sighed, fingers drumming on the desk. The teacher droned on. Usually, he was one to pay attention - as knowledge is power, after all. But today he couldn't think straight. His mind kept wandering back to Ballister, or Bal, and the date last week. They had hugged when they arrived back at the castle, smiling what Amb had thought as fondly to eachother.

Was that because he was excited to be rid of Amb?

He couldn't stop fretting.

Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap - his fingers kept going, keeping a somewhat steady pace.

Suddenly, he shook his head, unsuccessfully trying to rid his head of his thoughts and focus on the lesson at hand. Meanwhile, the storm raged violently outside.

Apologies with the sitting position, I do it a lot but I didn't know how else to explain it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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