Chapter 2.

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With the prince slowly spiralling in his thoughts, he didn't notice when the familiar creek of the door sounded - warning its occupants that someone had entered.
He didn't notice the ball of golden sunshine sit beside the prince, smiling, a mop of blonde hair neatly flopped on his head. Of course, this guy was hot - the prince just didn't notice anything. He wore a loose fitting, white jumper and blue jeans. He had also requested that the prince wore - I quote - "casual clothing." So he did, and that was... appreciated. But that didn't nessasarily mean that Ambrosious was right for him. All the others had been hot and seemfully charming too. Instead, he thought about everything that had gone wrong. The thief's that had applied for the 'matchmaking' and had somehow been cleared, Ballisters old (yet also somehow current) bully, and many other... entertaining characters. Suddenly, the prince became aware of the faint buzzing in his ears, which slowly became louder... and more distinguishable, but only barely. When he finally snapped back to attention, the prince saw 2 worried faces peering at him felt a faint nibbling in his earlobe.

Ballister smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, zoned out..."
"Clearly!" Laughed the queen. Ambrosious was quiet, perhaps he had never seen this teasing side of the queen - although she was truly, incredibly kind. He smiled.
"Glad you're okay..."
The prince couldn't help himself - the dear boy actually blushed - yet only faintly, and he mentally chided himself almost immediately. It was just... his voice was smooth, like honey, or a safety net to fall into on your worst days. It also reminded the prince of sunny days, just like the rest of his character.

"So, let's get down to business!" Valerian said cheerfully, setting her teacup down before continuing, barely drawing for breath: "Sir Ambrosious, you know that this kingdom had many dangers surrounding my son, so I am sure you have chosen a safe and secure place for you date?" She said, raising an eyebrow, smiling.
"Yes ma'mm! I think you'll be pleased with the place, activities and food I have selected." That was the second time he ever heard his voice, and the butterflies - annoyingly - returned.

So, it was then that Ambrosious led Ballister into the garden and through the institution/palace gates, unknowing to the Queen smiling playfully as she peeked through a layer of curtains at the boys wandering over pristine gardens and rolling hills towards the central city.

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