Chapter 1.

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Prince Ballister sighed as he stood before the wide, dark oak doors to his mothers - The Queen's - office. With a deep breath, he pushed the doors open and stepped inside, already dreading the conversation to come.

The queen smiled fondly at her son, beckoning for him to sit down. The prince could smell freshly baked cookies and tea, his nose twitching slightly like a rabbits. Tenderly, her sat down, rigid. She motioned towards the tea tray with a plate of cookies, and Ballister bit into one, sipping on a cup of tea - similarly to his mother.

"So..." the prince said awkwardly. Usually conversations with her flowed but this one to come would be... interesting. And he couldn't ignore the fact that there was a third chair. She smiled softly.
"It's alright to be nervous, but the lad really is nice - and besides, this isn't arranged marage - more matchmaking that can be turned down," she reassured lovingly. He facepalmed.
"Not like we've already been through 27 'matches...'" Ballister mumbled absent mindedly.
However, there still was a difference with this match.
This match was a direct descendent from her.
She, the one who haunted Ballister and Nimona's lives like the plague (during all of this, a vibrantly pink lizard sat on his shoulder, occasionally licking the young princes ear teasingly).
She, the 'saviour' of the city.
Pffft. Like he needed any more snobby celebrities in his life - and a direct decent of GLORETH? Sorry, but this was doomed to fail.

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