Chapter 3.

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[Ambrosious POV]
He couldn't deny, Ballister was good looking. He had an air of confidence, and he reminded him of Nico Di Angelo from one of the books in the library in some ways - but some of the differences include the fact that he wouldn't be rejected by Percy. It was unfair. "Soooo.... Bal?"
"Bal?" he scoffed, a ghost of a smile dancing on his lips.
"Yeah, I like it!" He teased. Bal scoffed again.
"Well, then I might as well call you Amb," both boys burst into giggles. Secretly, 'Amb' loved his new nickname. It was... cute, if you can say that. "So, where are we going?" Bal inquired. Amb grinned. "It's a surprise - but I hope you like Nachos!"

-Time Skip brought to you by Nimona doing a puppet show-
Amb and Bal arrived at this little hole-in-the-wall resturant. It seemed to have a retro vibe going for it. After about 30 seconds, a male staff member bustled over smiling. "Hello, nachos, I assume?" Amb just nodded, smiling and laughing slightly. He must be a regular customer. The waitress laughed, guiding them over to a booth near the back of the restaurant (although they were still seated next to a large window). Both of the boys sat down, traces of awkwardness and tension still evident in the air.

"Soo..." Amb said, smiling. The light from the windows shone on his hair, making him seem even more angelic than he already was. Bal couldn't help a light - and incredibly faint - blush spread over his cheeks, but he did his best to hide it with a glass of water. "So..." he replied. "The wheather nice today?"

And that was how their date began.

They spoke about everything, and nothing. Laughing about sport, then sitting in comfortable silence. Both constantly munched on nachos, which for the restaurants credit were really good, with Amb sipping on his vanilla milkshake - Bal occasionally stealing some of the froth with the tip of his fingers.

However, everything nice must eventually end.

I apologise that my chapters are so short and that they aren't wonderful quality. I'm a little stuck at the moment as I have a storyline in my head that I love, but it's more in the early stages of their relationship when the 2 first begin dating, so yeah. Anyways, thanks for reading so far!

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