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The queen sat in her study, a warm aroma filling the room from the gentle crackling of the fireplace.
Out of nowhere, a female knight - quite rudely - burst in, panting. The Queen sighed.
"How may I help you?"
The knight hurriedly bowed, still out of breath.

"Y-our majesty... there has been a... a break in..." she struggled out.
Clearly it was not urgent, as there were no obnoxiously loud alarms blaring. Consequently, the queen raised an eyebrow. "So? What are you going to do about it?"
"I... erm- well, it's a commoner..." the knight paused, causing the queen (who was slightly exasperated at this point and just wanted to have tea whilst signing paperwork,) to prompt them on with a nod, "is a child... but they have been captured and I just figured-"
They were cut off with a curt, yet polite, hm-hm from the Queen.
"Bring them to me," she said, smiling before adding passive-aggressively, "I'd love to meet the little one who somehow managed to get within the institution against an army of fully-trained knights."

Little did Queen Valerian know, that was actually the day she met 2 interesting characters - her further heir and a young girl will flaming, bright pink hair.

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