11 You're the distraction

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TW: SEX! and illegal activity

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TW: SEX! and illegal activity.

[Who's That Girl? - Eve]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

We made it back to the hotel, ransacking it in search for the bag that Alan stole last night. I've practically turned this hotel room upside down, and yet, nothing. I'm starting to think we're not going to make it out of Vegas alive. I walk into the living room, seeing all the guys gathered around.

"Guys," Alan heavily breaths. "I'm telling you, I looked for it this morning before we left. It's not anywhere."

"Fuck." I groan.

"Stu, how much you got in the bank?" Phil asks.

"About 10 grand." Stu thinks. "I was gonna use it for the wedding."

"You're already married, so we're good there." I can't help myself.

"Besides, enough with Melissa, she's the worst." Phil joins in.

"Yeah, Doug told me she had sex with a pilot or something," Alan speaks.

"It was a bartender on a cruise." Stu groans. "What is wrong with you people?"

"Look," I try to come up with an idea, but I look over at Alan, trying to hide himself behind the couch. "Ew. Alan, did you just eat sofa pizza?"


"What are we gonna do?" Phil changes the subject. "We are so fucked."

"Hey, guys?" Alan's head goes behind the sofa.

"Did you find it?" I jump on the couch.

"Nope." He comes back up. "But check this out." He holds his gambling book.

"Brilliant." Phil has a lightbulb moment, joining me on the couch to tell us about it. "Alan, you are going to use Stu's 10 grand and win our money back. I'm gonna be your bodyguard." He turns to face Stu. "You-you can be the lookout, maybe use some money to try and win us some more."

"What about me?" I ask.

"You're not gonna like this." He sighs. "You're the distraction."

"Great, I'm the distraction." I roll my eyes. "I'll stand by the bar, my tits up to my chin and my ass hanging out, shall I?"

"Pretty much." Alan smiles.

"We need you to distract security if they get wind of what we're doing," Phil explains in nicer terms.

"Fine," I say, turning to Stu. "Call Jade and tell her to bring me a dress."


I'm standing in the bathroom, finishing my hair and makeup and wearing a dress that Jade brought. She's outside with the guys and I'm assuming they're all waiting for me to be ready. But, I'm nervous. I'm not insecure about my body, I like my figure and I know when I look good, but I'm not good at flirting. Or interactions with men. The only person I really flirt with is Phil, and he doesn't take it seriously so there's never any worry about rejection.

𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 🥂 𝘱.𝘸Where stories live. Discover now