Chapter 4

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Angels POV
*During the blackout*

I could see this blinding bright light and the suddenly everything starts to come into view. I notice I was in my favourite meadow. What I couldn't believe was Nyx was there, you see Nyx is the moon goddess for all of us mythical creatures. I bow my head and ask the Goddess Nyx, "how may I help you?" Nyx just looks at me with a smile on her face and her crescent moon tattoo shaped her face gracefully.

"Daughter you are so pretty now, I come to you with sadness in my heart. My children fear the humans and carry hate in their hearts for they fear the hybrids. They hate the hybrids for being to different creatures mixed together. My children need to learn that there us nothing to fear and hybrids just make you all stronger when you fight together." "Nyx what does this have to do with me?" I was confused because I too want to be a hybrid but fear what others will think of me. "My daughter I came to bless you and give you protection for you will show my children not to fear hybrids. Don't worry child your mate will love you and so will your family." Nyx kissed my forehead, I slowly start to drift to sleep but I hear Nyx say, "Come your sixteenth birthday daughter you will become your gifted and powerful hybrid you were born to become."

Then everything goes black, when I come to I can hear machines going and beeping. I also feel a burning mark in the middle of my forehead where Nyx had kissed me. I open my eyes to see my cousin Connor sleeping in a chair with his head on my bed. I slowly start to sit up hoping Connor stays asleep. I feel sad for Conner for I know he blames himself for what happened. I place my hand on his shoulder and he wakes up quickly and looks at me with a shocked look on his face. "whats wrong? What are you staring at Connor?" Connor places his thumb on my forehead were it had been burning and whispers, "you have been blessed."

I didn't know what he was talking about in till I heard people running up the stairs and people gasps when they see me. "Bless it be by the Goddess Nyx" said my father. My mother had tears in her eyes and my siblings just looked pissed off at me. I look to Connor and whisper, "How long was I out for?" "Two weeks Angel but your awake now and that's all I can ask for." Everyone left but my parents and Conner, then there was knock on the door and the door opens with the next door neighbour standing there with a medical bag in his hand.

"Hello Angel, it's good to see that your awake. My name is Carlisle, I'm here to check up on you." I had my hair hiding my forehead since I didn't want anyone else to see it. Carlisle checks my blood pressure, then he went to move my hair off my for head and he gasps and just looks at my father. "She woke up with it, my guess is the Goddess Nyx has blessed her and has big plans for her." Carlisle just noded his his head and went back to what he was doing, then he gives me some painkillers and leaves.

After awhile my parents had left my room and it was just Connor and I. "Connor it's not your fault that I got hurt. Please stop blaming yourself for it." Connor looked at me and kissed my check, "I don't no more Angel, your awake now that's all that matters to me now. Nyx has blessed you and now I must do my part and protect Nyx's daughter like the prophecy says." I look at him confused and he passes me my mirror and I saw why everyone was gasping at me. In the middle of my forehead was a crescent moon tattoo and beautiful spirals and shaping my forehead like a little crown. Later Connor shows me his arm which had a tattoo of a prophecy that said, "The fifth child of the leaders of the town for mythical creatures will be blessed by Nyx. They will become the new leader of the town and their cousin will be their protecter. The child will become a hybrid of their parents and show the others not to fear the hybrids. I looked at Connor with a
shocked look.

*What the tattoos look like on Nyx and Angel's foreheads*

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