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"Someone just kill me already." I groaned, dragging my sprained ankle across the pavement, pulling my two suitcases behind me.

Following the altercation at the house, Olic left me by the roadside instead of the train station.

 Now, I find myself walking down this deserted road, where I ended up spraining my ankle on a loose rock.

I was encircled by towering trees, with no other buildings in sight. The house was perched high up, in an area one might describe as a forest, yet it wasn't technically so, as the city could be seen in the distance. Along the way, there was a small river stream where I stopped to get some water and wash my face.

I can't believe she kicked me out. I understand what I did was wrong, but she can't solely blame me. She didn't even let me explain myself.

Author was the one who insisted that I started hooking up with him. Since Celestria became busy and constantly occupied with work, his sexual desires were not getting attention. and because I was always around, he targeted me.

I tried to stop him, but he is really good a seducing people.

His gaze would constantly find me, those deep green eyes holding a silent conversation of their own. Always filled with lust, calling me to come fulfill his dirty thoughts.

I gave in every. single. time

You can't blame me; I was stuck in that building.

 my life was sexless. 

So, the feeling of finally being able to be touched, I couldn't of stop. 

Settling onto a rather large stone, an idea struck me.

 Rummaging through my bags, I located my phone and promptly called the one person who could assist me in my situation.

"Come on pick up pick up." I muttered anxiously, waiting for an answer.

"Hello," answered the raspy voice I had long missed on the phone.

"Author... I need help," I sighed in relief upon hearing his answer, fearing I would be stranded forever.

"What do you need at this moment?" my dick is off limits If that's what you need help with."

I scoffed.

Now you want your dick to be off limits? after you fucked your engagement up?

"No, your ex kicked me out. Now I don't have anywhere to go because of you, and I was just thinking if I could stay at your place for a while until I find a place for myself." Anxiously awaiting a response, I twirled strands of my hair and bit my lip.

"I expected her to do that; she's so feisty," he said, a hint of reminiscence in his voice as he thought of her.

 "Send me your location, I'll send one of my men to come pick you up." After responding with a simple 'okay', I hung up the phone and sent my location to his device, waiting patiently to be picked up.

Meant To Be (18+)Where stories live. Discover now