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Sitting in front of the vanity mirror, a big smile appeared on my face as I bedazzled my cheeks with blush.

He said yes.

He consented to the marriage.

It required much persuasion and pleading, but he eventually gave in, as he was destined to marry at some point.

I never imagined my life taking such a dramatic turn; from collaborating with the daughter of a formidable mafia figure, to being dismissed from my job, and now, I am about to marry her former fiancé. 

Indeed, time flies swiftly.

The wedding was a secret, not even his parents were aware only his men who helped with the preparation. I preferred to keep it that way because they would have ruined everything, particularly his bitch of a mother with her difficult behavior.

I picked up the ring from the table before heading downstairs and walking through the house to the backyard.

It as simple yet beautiful. 

White roses were scattered across the floor, complementing the beautiful white wedding arch where the Author and the priest stood.

He gave me a quick smile as I made my way toward them.

Initially, he was content with just signing the marriage documents, but I desired the experience of a true wedding, not just a piece of paper declaring my marital status.

Positioning myself before Author, passing the ring to the priest.

 With no audience present, he simply directed us to recite our vows, exchange rings, and share the official kiss to seal the union.

I felt... good.

It may sound cliché, but I felt powerful.

I felt useful; as a mafia wife, I held a higher rank than before. Now, I could give orders instead of taking them.

The troubling aspect of this situation is that I'm wearing the ring intended for Celestia, but it doesn't bother me.

As I entered the house, I glanced at Arthur before I began to speak. "Well, what should I do now since I'm your wife." 

"My parents are said to be home, so I suggest you change into some formal attire that I've placed in your closet. It will give you a more authoritative look. Prepare to confront them; it's better we do it now rather than prolonging it."

"After, we will get into business." After receiving a kiss on my lips, I nodded and proceeded to ascend the stairs.

I wore a light green feminine suit complemented by delicate jewelry and applied a strongly scented perfume. After tying my hair into a sleek ponytail and applying some lip gloss, I returned to the kitchen where I met Arthur making coffee.

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