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I applied the final layers of my lipstick and adjusted the stray strands of my hair in the car's mirror. I am about to attend a meeting with my parents, they said that's it's something very important.

My car was parked in front of a large glass building, a structure with which I am quite familiar with.

It was surrounded by the typical large pine trees, sculptures made of glass and cement, and a large sign at the entrance that read GAMBINO.

I picked up my purse from beside me and opened the door to find Alexander waiting outside, accompanied by my parents. Taking his hand, we entered the building, exchanging greetings with some acquaintances before proceeding to the building's main unit.

The click of my heels on the marble floors resonated through the halls, instilling a sense of power within me.

I can't recall the last time I attended a meeting; Author always insisted on representing me, concerned for my safety.

Familiar faces awaited at the office front, seemingly anticipating my arrival; one of them opened the door, permitting us entry into the secluded office.

"Ah, my favorite people in the whole wide world, especially you." Raphael flashed a smile and winked at me before he went to embrace my parents and doing a brotherly handshake with Alexander. I rolled my eyes and scoffed in response.

"Get in over your head pretty boy, we are here for business not any of your fake flirtatious acts."

Raphael over here is Mr. prince charming.

He had a well-built physique, showcasing defined muscles and the typical six-pack abs. His eyes, a mesmerizing grey-green hue encircled by hazel, were set off by his jet-black hair. A chiseled jawline and a neatly trimmed beard completed his striking appearance.

A full sleeve of tattoos adorned one arm, extending to his chest, but the most prominent was the 'Gambina' tattooed on his neck. Standing at about 6 feet 3 inches tall, and with me being just under 5 feet 5 inches, I felt exceptionally small in comparison.

I have known him since I was 16 and he was 17; I am now 21 and he is 23. That's approximately five years of friendship.

He's always been flirtatious with me, offering compliments, purchasing gifts, and occasionally sending them to my home.

I regard him as my best friend, Alexander included, of course.

Alexander was quite attractive too. He had a dirty brunette shade of hair, light brown eyes, and a well-shaped jawline akin to Raphael's, complemented by a small beard on his chin. His body was adorned with tattoos, and he sported a typical six-pack, much like many other men here. Standing at a height close to Raphael's, he was perhaps two inches shorter, bringing him to 6 feet 1 inch.

Meant To Be (18+)Where stories live. Discover now