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CIGAR SMOKE filled the room as I kept spinning in my chair, lost in thought within the surroundings of my office.

The wedding occurred two days ago, and I remain undecided about how to handle the situation with Lavida.

Ever since she realized that I knew her dirty little secret, she hasn't dared to meet my gaze and has avoided eye contact. She has been staying in the downstairs attic, as no one wishes to see her.

Following the altercation at the castle, Author moved out. Initially, He had no plans to leave, yet in the end, it was my father who made him to leave.

You might question why I don't simply allow her to return to where she originally came from. The reason is that she is unable to do so.

A few years ago, Lavida's parents and mine were in the process of arranging a meeting. They sought protection from our mafia because theirs was under attack, being a lower-ranked organization, they barely had the amount of security and products we had.

Everything was going smoothly until her father tried to steal from my dad and framed him with a rival mafia, aiming to seize everything we owned for themselves and taking our position.

 Knowing my dad, he did not take this lightly at all. He assigned his men, as well as two of mine, Antoine and Eric. To ignite her parents' organization on fire but making sure to take everything they owned.

Once the fire had subsided, Antoine and Eric inspected the premises to ensure all was secure. That's when they stumbled upon Lavida, who was found hidden in an iron-sealed compartment of the building, suffering from minor burns. It appeared she was attempting to escape.

After double-checking, they departed from the area, placing Lavida behind the truck, which was also carrying drugs and money. 

My father felt a mix of pleasure and displeasure. 

Pleasure that he had killed them but displeased that one was left alive.

 He wanted to end her misery, However, considering her background in a mafia family, I recognized that she could be a valuable asset to our team. Therefore, I provided her with additional training, and subsequently, she began working for me, which leads us to our current situation.

After taking a final draw from the cigar, I extinguished it in the ashtray and proceeded to my room for a shower. I felt at peace, honestly. Life without a partner wasn't bad; in fact, I kind of missed the feeling of not being cluttered up and having someone do everything for me when I could do it for myself.

I switched on some music on my compact speaker before stepping into the shower. The cold water cascaded down my back, washing away the remaining dirty touches from Author. I have been showering excessively, feeling disgusted that another womans DNA is probably inside of me.

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