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I spent what felt like an hour sitting in the empty office, spinning in the chair. Thoughts continued to flow through my mind like a stream.

Author was out attending to business with his parents, leaving me at home bound by restrictions with nothing to do.

Everything has been moving so quickly, from the wedding falling apart, to being kicked out, and now developing somewhat of a relationship with Author. 

Regarding yesterday's incident involving Author's mother, I devised a method to earn her respect. 

Throughout Celestia's engagement and relationship with the author, his mother showed twice as much respect for Celestia compared to when they were merely in a relationship.

I understand it may seem like I'm moving on too quickly, but with mafia families and their love lives, there's no such thing as too fast. We don't lead normal lives like civilians; things are different on this side.

If you can marry someone of high rank, regardless of how long you've known or talked to them, if there are feelings and you want to get married, you can.

And that was my plan.

I understand it's complicated because he's my ex-boss's former fiancé, but technically they're not together anymore, and now I'm the one who technically lives with him.

I was uncertain about how to convey my thoughts to him or what his reaction would be.

 Part of me felt guilty for attempting to impose a marriage on my former boss's fiancée, yet another part believed it was the correct thing to do.

 At least, I would be treated fairly, not commanded, but instead, I would be the one giving orders and having a domain to govern.

so, fuck it, I'm going to do it.


I had been lying in bed for approximately two hours, anticipating Author's arrival, when the sound of keys jiggling up the stairs interrupted my thoughts.

My heart started to beat frantically; I was nervous about what was coming.

The door creaked open, and he entered the room, his strong cologne immediately filling my nostrils. As he took off his jacket and walked over to me, he placed a kiss on my cheek, causing me to blush.

"How was your time alone." He asked me while unbuttoning his shirt as I started intensely; was so attractive.

"Nothing much, just sat in the office, then I came up here to rest," I replied, offering a tight-lipped smile.

"Ok, I truly apologize for my mom's behavior, by the way." he said with a nonchalant shrug. I nodded and took a deep breath in response.

'Here goes nothing' I whispered mentally before finally speaking up.

"About that, there is something I want to talk to you about."

"What is it?" He turned around, laid his watch and chain on the dressing table, and then gave me his undivided attention.

"I'm weary of being treated as less than a person by your mom. I understand your dad may not like me either, but he doesn't express it. However, your mother's treatment makes me feel demeaned." I ranted

"And?" He asked with his brow raised, which annoyed me because it seemed like he didn't care.

"I want to get married, Author," I declared, exhaling a heavy breath that I had been holding in for so long. 

As the words escaped, my chest felt lighter. Author, on the other hand, gazed at me, his eyes widening in response to my statement.

maybe this was a bad idea. 

"What? Married?" Nodding in response to his question, I took a step closer to him before continuing my explanation.

"I understand it might seem too soon or perhaps inappropriate, but I'm tired of this treatment. During your relationship with Celestia, your parents treated her with utmost respect, as they should not disrespect your wife. It seems that marriage is the only way I could earn a modicum of respect from them." 

The room was engulfed in silence; there was no response, and you could quite literally hear the beating of my heart.

"I will consider it, but this feels so wrong. I've already been despised by nearly half the people here because of my actions towards Celestia and marrying you might exacerbate the situation since it would mean further betrayal." 

I understand his perspective, but at this moment, I don't care.

Nodding my head, I sat on the bed as the room fell silent.

 The day passed by awkwardly quiet; I wasn't sure what to say, perhaps due to my anxiety over his response.

Hopefully, I will receive the answer I'm seeking.


Hello, my lovely readers, I hope you all enjoyed chapter 8

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Hello, my lovely readers, I hope you all enjoyed chapter 8. Indeed, it was quite brief; I had more to write, but I chose to leave a little cliffhanger just because. The upcoming chapter will delve into Author's decisions, so stay tuned to discover what unfolds next.

I wasn't too motivated to continue writing, so this chapter might also seem a bit rushed, but I'm striving to maintain my motivation so I can finish this book.

Have a great day, and don't forget to leave a comment, vote, and feel free to follow my account.

Goodbye, loves <3

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