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It was a warm morning in the camp of MorningClan. Cats lazed about, mostly hiding in the sparse shade of the trees and trying to avoid their patrols.

Antstar, the current leader of the Clan, sat atop the Highbranch, his tail swinging absently as he watched the Clan.

In a moment or two, one of his advisors, Ivythorn, leaped up to join him. As he made his way up the tree, Antstar yet again swept his gaze over the clearing. He saw Petalfrost quietly sorting herbs.

Just past her, in the medicine den, Antstar could barely see the outline of one of the other prophets, that being Palebriar. The molly was leaning over a birthing queen, being Pinestream.

Ivythorn purred a greeting. "Good morning, Antstar."

"Well, it's nearing sunhigh now, isn't it?" Antstar chuckled good-naturedly.

Ivythorn twitched an ear in response. "I suppose it is. Palebriar just asked me to report to you that Pinestream gave birth to three healthy kits: Moonkit, Starlingkit, and Spiderkit."

"That's wonderful. I'm sure you're feeling rather proud right now." Antstar said, flicking his tail.

"I didn't want to brag, but I am quite proud, actually." Ivythorn purred, his apricot-furred chest puffing out.

"Ah. There it is," Antstar joked. "Just don't brag too much. You might make the younger cats jealous."

"I won't," Ivythorn promised.

It was at that moment when a strange crackling noise, like dry leaves rustling together, began to occur. Antstar's ears pricked as the sound suddenly intensified and it appeared to be coming from multiple directions.

Daisyfur, who had momentarily been retired from her guarding duties to share prey with her friend, Goosethroat, saw the signal from Antstar which meant she had to investigate something. For a moment, she was confused, not seeing the point.

Then she heard the odd crackling, and she slipped out of camp, past the thistle barrier that kept intruders out. Daisyfur was a bit annoyed at the noise; her sister had just had her first litter, and instead of meeting her new nephews and nieces, she was investigating some squirrel rustling around in the brush.

It was then that the scent of smoke drifted into her nose, as she was maybe a tree-length out of camp. She saw a faint orange glow coming from behind a bush, and approached it carefully.

Just as she was about to warn her Clanmates that a fire had begun and they had to evacuate, she was cut off as a large weight pounced on her back. Her muzzle slapped against the dirt, so that she couldn't see her assailant. It was there she was held for a few moments.

"What do you think you're doing?" Daisyfur spat up at whoever the cat was.

"What should've been done long ago. Unfortunately, you're not a part of our vision for the future."

With that, claws raked across her throat, and Daisyfur only got the blurry vision of a cat with a burning stick in their jaws standing over her, hatred in their eyes.

Back in camp, Petalfrost was panicking as flames began to catch on the edges of camp, hearing the screams of her Clanmates. She ran inside. "The camp is on fire! Pinestream, can you stand?"

The newly-made queen barely responded. It was clear that she was still exhausted from birth. Instead, Petalfrost looked downwards, towards the three small kits. She grabbed one in between her teeth and motioned to Palebriar to do the same.

Palebriar's eyes were wide, and it was clear that she was struggling to remain calm. However, she carefully scooped up a kit in her jaws.

"Get out of camp!" Petalfrost commanded, looking around. Smoke was pouring into the den now, making her eyes and lungs sting.

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