Tempest Memories

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Since Tracy has left Chicago PD, I've been doing lots of Hailey One Shots. ALSO THANK YOU TRACY FOR PLAYING HAILEY UPTON SO WELL! YOU WILL BE MISSED ON THE SHOW!!!❤️❤️

Hailey despised storms with every fiber of her being, their ominous presence casting a shadow over her otherwise ordinary day. They caused her panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and much more. Although, not many people knew about her hatred for storms or why she even hated them. Except for the exception of her boyfriend, Jay Halstead. He knew the exact reason she hated storms and why they caused her to panic. It was early in the morning. Around 4:30 A.M, Jay and Hailey were sleeping peacefully. Both of them had a hard day at work just before and had decided to sleep it off. That was until Jay woke up to a tempest storm. One of the worst he had seen in Chicago in a while.

Haileys POV-

My rest was peaceful until I heard a loud noise.

"BANG!!!" as I shot up in bed, immediately feeling around the bed for something to hold on to. My hands finally found Jay's body and I pulled myself into him like my life had depended on it.

"I've got you Hails. Don't worry," Jay said, taking me into his arms and holding me tightly against him.

Physical touch usually helped me calm down during storms because it made me realize that there was someone with me and they were going to protect me. I continued to hold on to Jay, shaking violently. Jumping every time I heard loud thunder. Luckily, we still had power, at least for now.

"Hails, let me turn the lights on in the room at least," Jay questioned me, as I let go of him and he got up to turn on the lights. To which he did.

"How long is it supposed to last for?" I brokenly asked, as Jay picked up his phone and went onto the weather app.

"A few more hours to the rest of the day," Jay exclaimed, as he got back into bed and opened his arms for me to lean into. To which I did so very quickly.

"BANG!" Another loud noise shot down and I looked over to see a vase fallen over on the ground. I immediately jumped out of fear, which Jay realized.

"It's okay Hails. It's just thunder. No one's gonna hurt you. I'll make sure of it," Jay soothingly replied, trying to keep me as calm as possible.

Not many people knew this but the reason I hated thunder and storms in general is because it brought back so many bad memories. The loud banging of thunder, reminded me of the yelling and slamming that would always happen in my house. It also reminded me of when my dad would hit me because when his hand touched my skin, it always made a loud noise from how hard he hit me. Sometimes, this would even cause panic attacks but because Jay was in the army, he was good at handling those and keeping me calm in general. Sometimes, I would calm down quickly and other times, it took hours on end in order to get me to calm down.

"I-I'm sorry," I whispered, going to sit up and out of Jay's arms.

"No Hails, it's okay. You need to stay calm. Come here," Jay replied, pulling me back into him and kissing the top of my forehead.

Jay kept caressing my hair. He tried to keep me as calm as possible for as long as possible. With every noise, even if it was Jay who had made the noise, I jumped from anxiety and panic. The two mixed together was never fun for me or anyone else to have to go through. Jay said he always hated seeing me with both because it made him worried sick. So, I could only imagine what he was thinking right now. I moved my head so that I could look up at him and he looked down at me. As we just stared blankly at each other.

Jay's POV- 

Jay's POV-

Hailey looked up at me as I could tell that worry, fear, and trauma all flooded her eyes. I had to make sure she stayed near me at all times so that she wouldn't panic too hard. Which I was fine with doing. I kept trying to soothe Hailey in any way possible. How could a man be so cruel to make their own daughter afraid of storms? That was the only questions rolling through my mind.

"Hails, I'll be right back. I'm just going to go get some water and necessities just in case anything happens," I explained, feeling terrible for having to leave her alone even if it wasn't for long.

"M-mhm," I heard a very faint answer, as I got up and walked to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and looked at everything we had. I ended up grabbing a few bottles of water, some fruit, and a few other snacks. I started walking back when I remembered to grab Hailey's favorite blanket from the couch. It was a blanket that she had since she was a kid and it meant a lot to her. I then walked back to the room but as I got closer to the door, I heard short, loud breaths. A big sign of a panic attack.

"Hey, Hails, I'm right here. Come on. Breathe with me," I said soothingly, as I ran in to see Hailey having a panic attack.

"Breathe with me. Deep Breathes," I took her hand and put it on my heart in hopes it would help her.

"I- I C-Can't," Hailey said, sounding broken.

"Yes, yes you can. In for four, out for four," I sat down next to her and brought her into my arms.

"Listen to me breathe and follow," I said, exaggerating my breathing for her to follow.

I watched as Hailey tried as hard as she could to follow my breathing. She soon started to calm down although she was still shaking violently. I held onto her as good as I could without causing her more panic. Caressing her hair, I reached over and opened a water bottle in hopes she'd at least take a few sips. I brought it to her lips as she looked up at me.

"Just a few sips. It'll help you calm down. Please, for me Hails," I said, bringing the water bottle back to her mouth as I watched her take a few sips before pulling away.

"Th- thank you Jay," She whispered, as she leaned into me more.

By now, the rain had gone from tempest to just a drizzle. Which had helped her calm down knowing it wasn't as bad. I kissed the top of her hair. Just seeing her panic and scared earlier was so hard. How could people do this to their daughter? And only daughter to be exact.

"Do you want to try and sleep more?" I asked, as I could tell she was tired but still a little shaken up.

"I d-don't think I'll be able to," she said, in one breath.

"That's okay. What do you want to do? We need to get you to calm down a little bit more," I replied, continuing to hold her and caress her hair.

"I- I don't know," she replied, looking up at me.

"Let's just wait for you to calm down more and get less shaken up for now. We can decide what to do after that. That sound okay?" I asked, looking back down at her.

"Mhm. But don't leave me," She said faintly.

"I won't. I'll be right here the whole time," I said, kissing the top of her hair.

For the rest of the day, we mostly sat in bed. Apart from me getting up to grab snacks and anything else we needed. Hailey hadn't started calming down fully until a few hours later. Although, I was happy she calmed down because even that was big. In the end, we had ended up cuddling until I could hear the soft snores meaning Hailey was asleep. So, I stayed awake to watch over her as I watched a basketball game on the TV. 

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