Breaking Down Walls(Chicago PD)

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The case that Intelligence was working on, was hard enough on all of them. Although, being even harder and hitting home with one specific detective. Detective Hailey Upton. The case they had been working on was about a young girl being abused by one of her parents, specifically her father. Every time Hailey thought of the case, it was like she was seeing her past flash right in front of her. Like the acute wind that came with thunderstorms. The team had just gotten off of work as everyone was cleaning up and getting ready to leave. Although Kim and Hailey tried to hide their relationship, almost everyone suspected that they were at least dating. Which was correct. In fact, they drove to work and did everything together. On this night though, they had planned to go over to Hailey's apartment and hang out together. Kim saw how distant Hailey was being during this case but decided to wait and see if Hailey would open up to her at all. Hailey stood outside unlocking her car and getting in the passenger seat as Kim had promised to drive home just on this day. Hailey waited there until she saw Kim running out from the doors and straight to her car. 

Kim's POV-

I dashed through the doors and out of the precinct to meet Hailey in her car. We had made plans to go to her house and hang out. Did we know what "hang out" meant? No. Were we still going to have so much fun? Obviously. I opened the front door and got inside the car. Throwing my stuff in the back seat. However, I noticed one weird thing. Hailey was zoned out almost like she had been deep in thought about something. Very deep in thought. I stared at her for a minute trying to figure out what the love of my life could be thinking about. We had known each other for a long time but that didn't mean I could always tell what she was thinking. Especially because she never opened up about anything.

"Hails, are you ready to go?" I asked, snapping Hailey back into reality.

"Yeah, yeah," she responded, turning her head to look out the window.

"You okay? You seem off," I asked, trying to dive deeper into her mindset.

"Mhm," she said, not moving her head from looking out the window. Almost like her life depended on it or like it would help her with something.

"You know, if something's wrong you can talk to me. I mean I want to be able to help you my love," I said, putting my hand on her thigh where I felt her hand find it. She then put her hand on top of it and started rubbing her thumb in circles. She did this when she was worried or even just thinking really hard about something.

"I'm fine," she scoffed, so I just stopped the conversation as I could tell she was getting upset.

I needed to figure out why Hailey was like this because it was very obviously bothering her. No matter how hard she tried to hide how much it was bothering her, I could easily tell. It could be the case we're working on or even just something that happened. What was even worse is that I don't know if she'll open up to me. Since we started dating, she never really talked about anything to do with her past or anything to do with her in the present / future. I could only hope she'd open up to me because as badly as I want her to, you never know with this girl. But I still love her no matter what. 

Hailey's POV-

I knew that Kim knew something was wrong but how was I supposed to tell her what was happening? How was I supposed to tell her that the case is triggering things from my childhood and bringing back flashbacks for me? It sounds stupid, dumb especially to me. I stared out the car window just watching as everything passed by us. Or more like us passing by everything else. We had arrived at my apartment fairly quickly because I live fairly close to the precinct. I grabbed my bag carelessly as I took my key out and held it. Kim walked fast enough to catch up to me, which I didn't mind. She tried to hold my hand but I didn't know and flinched. I love her with all my heart but I was triggered by everything. I already knew what caused me to flinch but she didn't. At all.

"Hails, what was that?" she asked, knowing that I'd never not hold her hand but also I had flinched and she never really saw that from me before.

"Nothing. Don't worry, I'm fine," I said, giving her a slight smile and opening the door to my apartment.

We both put our stuff on the counter as we walked into my kitchen. I sat down on a stool and put my head in my hands. This was the way that I always just had time to think about certain things while calming down. Kim came and sat next to me. She almost tried putting her hand on my back but didn't want me to flinch again.

"Hailey, are you sure you're okay? I- You're not yourself since we got into your car and started driving home. Be honest with me. I'm your girlfriend and just want to know so that I can help you," she said, trying to get me to open up with her. I wanted to but I didn't know how to.

"I- I want to tell you but I don't know how," I whispered, leaning into her as she held me with a protective grasp.

"Let's get you changed into comfortable clothes and then we can talk, Okay?" she asked, as I nodded in response and walked to my bedroom. I grabbed the first things I saw and just threw them on.

Kim's POV-

I walked Hailey to her room so that she could put on more comfortable clothes. I didn't know what was on her mind but I thought that if I made her comfortable then she'd be more likely to open up. I could hear her in her closet just grabbing whatever and throwing it onto her body. Just as I was about to get lost in my own thoughts, I heard her bedroom door open, as she stood there with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" I asked, putting my hands on her arms and rubbing them up and down so that she'd find some comfort. She shrugged her shoulders in response and walked over to her bed, sitting down. I followed her over there but sat on the opposite side as I opened my arms for her to lean into.

"I- I'm sorry," she whispered, leaning into my arms as tears started running down her face.

"It's okay. You did nothing wrong," I said, trying as best as I could to comfort my distraught girlfriend. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Th- the case," she replied.

"What about the case, hunny?" I asked, trying to see how bad it was affecting her.

"Re- reminders,"


Hailey dug her face into my neck as she tried to calm herself down. I used one of my hands to caress her hair while my other hand was holding hers. She was tired, exhausted but I knew she had to talk about everything for her to really calm down.

"Use your words, hun," I put a soft kiss on her head, as she kept crying into me.

"M- my childhood," I nodded in response to try and signal for her to keep going. "I see myself in that girl. Everything she keeps talking about is stuff that I went through. And I know she doesn't know how to trust people or anything just like I was when I was first found. Everything came back into my head. From when I was growing up, up until I became a cop. I- she's just like m-" Hailey said in one breath, as I could tell her breathing was speeding up so I cut her off.

"Look at me, Hails. Breathe. In 1234, Out 1234," I cut her off, trying my best to calm her down. She followed my breathing until it stabilized.

"I- I'm sorry"

"It's okay but next time I want you to tell me right away so that I can help you. What do you say about a movie night to get your mind off of everything?"

"Mhm" she replied.

For the rest of the night, Hailey and Kim laid down in their room. They put on many films as Hailey continued to open up a bit more to Kim. As well as eating many different kinds of snacks that they could find. In the end, this all just made their relationship stronger, right?

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