Chapter 4. The Night Out

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Pushing open the heavy wooden doors, Lucy stepped into the dimly lit bar. The familiar scents of alcohol and cigarettes mixed with the sound of live music and a very loud crowd.

She made her way towards the bar, feeling eyes following her every move. Reaching the counter she ordered herself a pink gin. As her drink arrived she downed it, immediately ordering another round. She looked around the room, it was electric, charged with anticipation and desire. Collecting her second drink she took slow sips, already she could feel the effects of the alcohol beginning to take hold, allowing her truly to let go.

Lucy downed her drink, letting the cool liquid slide down her throat. She closed her eyes savouring the taste and sensation it created within her. As she opened her eyes she felt herself locked in a intense gaze with a man who had a sinister smile on his face as his eyes trailed up and down her body.

He was tucked away in the corner, his eyes watching her intently. His cold calculating gaze raked over her body, lingering on the enticing curves revealed by the tight pink mini dress. A sinister smirk played at the edge of his lips as he took in her drunken sway and her flirty mannerisms. He knew exactly what type of woman she was- vulnerable, alone and looking for trouble..

He intended to give it to her, whether she wanted it or not. He was no stranger to preying on unsuspecting drunk victims, like lucy. He nursed his whiskey waiting patiently for the right moment to strike. Jack was his name.

Tim walked into the bar, his eyes immediately drawn to the vibrant pink dress that stood out amongst the sea of neutral tones. He immediately recognized the girl as lucy.. his rookie.

Despite being captivated by her beauty and her curves he forced himself to walk towards the bar, ordering himself a beer. He tried not to watch as she swayed unsteadily towards the other side of the bar, her movements drawing unwanted attention from several men gathered around. Tim couldn't help but feel protective of her, he decided he wasn't going to speak to her or intervene unless he needed to.

Jack suddenly saw his opportunity. Lucy had wandered away from the bar - clearly disorientated by the alcohol. He slid off his stool, approaching her from behind, his breath hitting the back of her neck. Before she could react he had wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his body. She gasped and tried to unmangle herself from his grip, but his arms stayed put as he started moving towards the exit and out into the alleyway.

Tim was drinking his second beer until he noticed a commotion unfolding near the exit. A large man had hold of lucy by her waist, attempting to drag her outside. However, it was clear she was resisting as her heels dug into the floor, desperation in her brown eyes as she tried to break free from his grip. Without thinking twice Tim threw himself off the bar stool, shoving through the crowd hurriedly.

"What do you think you're doing!" he shouted, darkness in his eyes as he noticed the bruising on Lucy's wrists. The man rolled his eyes "None of your business, move along! There's nothing to see here!" he growled, a sneer curling his lips. Without a second thought Tim punched the man, making him stumble back onto the hardwood floor. The man looked humiliated as he pulled himself off the ground, hurrying away. Breathing heavily, Tim glanced over at Lucy before pulling her into him, his hands hovering above her waist, holding onto her keeping her steady.

"Lucy, are you okay? He shouldn't have put his hands on you like that.." he said, his heart pounding with adrenaline. His tone was stern, yet concerned- a mix of emotional all at once. Glancing down, he noticed how cold her skin was against his, her dress was torn at the shoulder, exposing a thin strap of flesh beneath. Swallowing hard, he brushed a lock of her brown hair from her face, his fingers grazing lightly against her cheekbone. For a moment, their eyes met and Tim noticed the passion in her eyes.

Lucy shook her head, trying to clear the fogginess from her mind.

"I'm fine now you're here.." she murmured, her voice still slightly shaky. As their eyes met once more, however, something shifted in her expression. There was still a hint of vulnerability lurking beneath the surface, but it was tempered by a playful sparkle that seemed to ignite within her. A small smile tugged at her lips, as she leaned closer to him, her breath tickling his ear. "Thankyou for coming to my rescue sir.." she whispered, a hint of seductiveness in her tone. Tim felt his pulse race at her words, aware of the dangerous territory they were entering. Yet somehow, he couldn't bring himself to pull away from the goddess standing in front of him.

Lucy pulled away, heading towards the bar but a tug at her wrist, pulling her back into Tims chest stopped her. Lucy laughed softly, her breath warming his neck. "Well.. aren't you just full of heroic gestures tonight?" she teased, playfully pushing him away. Despite her attempt at levity there was a slight tremor in her voice that betrayed her true feelings. Tim couldn't deny the magnetic pull he felt towards his woman, even though he knew better than to cross professional lines, he still found himself unable to resist the temptation. "Another round sounds good." he agreed, reaching for his wallet. "But you, you are not leaving my side." he said firmly as he held onto Lucy's wrist. As they made their way back to the bar, the air crackled with an undeniable chemistry that threatened to consume them both. Much to Lucy's despair, Tim had paid for her drink and his own.

They settled into a booth, their bodies pressed close together as they shared stories about work and their lives. The two were on their third round of drinks. The light grew dimmer, casting a warm glow across their faces. Tim couldn't help but notice the way Lucy's lips would occasionally part ever so slightly when she talked, revealing her plumped bottom lip. He fought the urge to lean in closer, to taste that sweetness for himself. Instead, he forced himself to listen intently to everything she said, mesmerised by the melody of her voice.

Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other's company, oblivious to the world around them. Tim had always been so adamant that he hated lucy.. never did he think he'd fall so hard for her, and yet he knew he couldn't have her.. she was his rookie.

After a very drunk Lucy and Tim, they decided to call it a night as they head out the bar, unknowingly their fingers entwined in one anothers as they stood in front of the bar. Tim called a cab whilst keeping a careful eye on Lucy making sure she stayed upright on her feet. Both of them had drunk way too much. When the taxi finally pulled up in front of the building, Tim let Lucy get in first, as she was about to slide in the backseat, Tim noticed her dress had risen at the back, higher up her thighs, and the taxi driver was staring at her exposed legs.

He pulled Lucy by her waist, correcting her dress- causing her to blush as she hid her rosy cheeks by hiding her face in Tim's chest. Tim chuckled as he held her close, waiting for another taxi. Tim didn't want Lucy to get in a taxi with that man, once again his overprotectiveness had overpowered his rational thoughts.

2am quickly approached and finally the taxi had pulled up. Tim helped her inside, his hands lingering on her back as they sat in the backseat. Upon arriving at Lucy's apartment- Tim being the gentleman he is, saw the stairs ahead. He knew a drunk Lucy wearing heels and that amount of stairs wouldn't go well. As the two walked through the dark hallways and up the darkened staircase they finally found themselves outside Lucy's front door.

They paused, neither of them wanting to part just yet. Their hearts beat wildly against their chests as they faced each other, the distance between them being nearly non-existent. Slowly, almost hesitantly Tim raised his hand, tracing the outline of her jawline with his thumb before leaning in and crashing his lips against hers. In that moment all rational thoughts about professionalism fled as they surrendered to the passionate kiss. Lucy moaned softly into the kiss, her arms looping around his neck as she deepened the connection. Their tongues danced together, exploring every inch of each other's mouth's. Tim hand roamed freely over her body, skimming along her sides and hips before settling on her waist. He pulled her closer, grinding his hips against hers, in a display of desire. The heat between them was palpable, radiating off their bodies in waves.

1530 words wheyy!! hope you liked, please leave comments and votes I love reading themm :)
- E

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