Chapter 7. The Secret Has Been Revealed

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Lucy stirred awake. Groggily opening her eyes she found herself on angela's couch - she then remembered what had conspired last night.. She had told angela. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the air. The sickness was now evident in her stomach as she tried not to gag at the thought of consuming food that greasy, food with that many calories.

Angela watched anxiously as Lucy poked at her food, barely able to manage a bite before standing up abruptly. Angela sighed before speaking to Lucy, "Lucy we need to get you help.." Lucy rolled her eyes in frustration, her anger getting the best of her. "I don't need help, I need you to leave me alone!" she grabbed her clothing, heading to the bathroom to change. Once dressed she walked straight out of Angela's door slamming it shut behind her, heading to work. Angela lowered her head, she was so concerned.. If this girl continued she would fade into nothingness, she was already so thin. Angela contemplated telling someone.

As Lucy arrived at work she spent her shift avoiding angela. Her bubbly demeanour had morphed into a sullen shell of its former self. Little did she know Tim had been observing her closely, noticing she was on the verge of a breakdown; he pulled her aside and into the storage cupboard. "Show me your thighs luce." he spoke softly. Lucy and Tim hadn't spoken since the events of yesterday. Lucy rolled her eyes. "I haven't cut myself if thats what your thinking." she mumbled. Tim nodded his head, "then you'll have no trouble showing me your thighs will you?" Lucy blushed- not wanting to pull her trousers down in front of him. Tim rolled his eyes before saying "I've seen it all before, remember lucy?" he laughed. Lucy's face turned a darker shade of red - mumbling under her breath "how could i forget.."

Lucy pulled down her trousers as Tim checked her thighs over for fresh cuts, once done she corrected them. "So if it isn't your self harm what's bothering you luce?" she went deadly quiet. "Nothing..?" Tim stared at her, his eyes firm and arms crossed. Lucy slid out of his grip and out the door- bumping straight into the person she had been avoiding all day- angela.

Angela grabbed Lucy's wrist firmly before she could even attempt to run. "Woah woah sweetheart, why are you in such a hurry?" Tim left the storage cupboard looking frustrated and concerned. Angela sighed as she looked between the two. "Did you tell him about your eating disorder?" Angela asked - confusion evident on her face.

Lucy felt as if the world was crashing down around her. Horror and disbelief warred within her as she struggled to comprehend the situation at hand. Tim paled at the words Angela spoke. "What eating disorder.." he whispered- fear in his eyes.

Lucy wanted nothing more than to run and hide from the scrutiny of both Tim and Angela, but she felt stuck- her fear holding her captive as tears trickled down her cheeks. "It isn't even an eating disorder why- why are you so dramatic!" she stuttered out, clearly flustered. She felt so betrayed.

Angela sent Lucy into the office with Nyla, who was very confused, yet quick to comfort lucy. Lucy had tried to deny going into the office with Nyla, but Angela used her rank against her - she had no choice but to listen to her superiors in the workplace. Tim listened intently as Angela shared her concerns about Lucy's condition. He understood the gravity of the situation and agreed they needed to take action. After some deliberation, they decided to approach sergeant grey together, hoping that their combined efforts might make a difference. Nervous energy coursed through their veins as they prepared themselves. As they approached sargeants Grey's office, Tim and Angela exchanged anxious glances. Their hearts raced in their chests as they knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in!" boomed a deep voice from inside. Steeling themselves for whatever came next, they entered the dimly lit room, closing the door behind themselves. Sergeant Grey looked up from his paperwork, raising an eyebrow curiously. "What can I do for you two?" he asked, his tone neutral yet expectant. Taking a deep breath, Angela launched herself into a rehearsed speech, detailing Lucy's erratic behaviour and potential eating disorder. Tim nodded solemnly in agreement, adding weight to her claims.

Sergeant Grey listened attentively, his expression growing increasingly serious as he digested the information presented before him. Finally, he set down his pen and leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. "This is indeed very concerning." he admitted, his voice wavering with concern at the thought that lucy- a new rookie was struggling this deeply. "However, without concrete evidence, or herself coming to admit to this, there isn't much we can do except monitor her performance and offer support to her." His words hung heavy in the air, causing Tim and Angela to exchange worried glances.

While they appreciated his understanding, they feared that waiting for things to escalate further could really affect Lucy's health and her career. Nevertheless, they thanked him for his time and left his office unsure of what steps to take next.

Upon hearing this disturbing revelation, sergeant grey realised that the situation had gone beyond mere concern. He knew how important it was for law enforcement officers to maintain their mental and emotional wellbeing, and he wasn't going to let Lucy suffer in silence any longer. Calling upon his network of resources, he arranged for a mental health professional specialising in eating disorders to come in and speak to the officers all together. This move wasn't just about providing support for Lucy, it was about creating an atmosphere where seeking help wasn't a sign of weakness, but as an essential step towards recovering and living a healthier lifestyle.

984 words - sorry this chapter isn't as long today. I'm so tired. Please comment and vote on this chapter, much love
-E <3

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