Chapter 2. A Long Day

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The next day came quicker than ever. Lucy found herself at work, struggling under the relentless scrutiny of Tim. Though he refused to acknowledge it, she could see conflict on his face? but about what. Unknown to Lucy, Tim had been struggling to get her of his mind. It was slowly killing him- he knew it was wrong but he was obsessed with every little quirk she had, her beautiful brown eyes, her perfect pouted lips.

Instead of offering support or showing some kindess Tim chose to push her harder, setting impossible standards for her and berating her at every chance he got. His cruelty towards her was like no other, the remarks he made cut deeper than any blade she put to her skin, chipping away at her self confidence until she wondered if she'd ever be good enough and be able to meet the standards he'd made so incredibly high.

Lucy was slowly losing her spark, her passion for law enforcement was beginning to fade, what had once been a burning desire to make a difference in the world now felt like a heavy burden, dragging her down into the depths of despair.

She so badly craved for Tim's validation and approval.

Just as her feelings started to become overbearing, the radio blared. A wanted felon was speeding through the streets of Los Angeles. Lucy and Tim found themselves caught amongst it. Adrenaline pumped through there veins. Sirens Blaring. They kept eyes on the suspect as they picked up speed, the supsets vehicle careened wildly through traffic, forcing innocent civillians to scramble out the way in fear. Finally, after five antagonising minutes, heavy breathing and hearts racing the fugitive lost control crashing into a nearby park. Thankfully, empty. Tim jumped out the car as Lucy covered him whilst he checked for weapons. Their hearts race in sync as they approach the danger. They breathed a collective sigh of relief upon realising the suspect was unarmed, his gun had slid under the seats away from him, and due to his injury he couldn't retrieve it. Working together, they cuffed the man and lead him to the shop- ready to head back to the station for questioning.

Admist the chaos and danger, there was something strangely exhilarating about this shared experience- It reminded Lucy of why she chose this profession in the first place.

Upon arriving at the station, the others began clapping for the two, they had just arrested one of the most wanted criminals- he had been charged for the murder of three police officers. As Tim and Lucy walk into the station, Lucy felt a rush of euphoria wash over her. For once, Tim hadn't questioned her judgement- instead it was replaced with a look of appreciation, acknowledging the skills and courage she had shown.

"Well Done Lucy." Tim spoke genuinelly, a rare smile appearing on his lips.
"You handled yourself well tonight." Unable to contain her excitement, Lucy beamed up at him, her heart swelling with gratitude and pride. This small gesture of validation meant more to her than anything else in the world right now.

Maybe someday Tim would see beyond his own insecurities and realize just how valuable Lucy truly was to him.

Exhausted but unable to shake the feeling of success, Lucy headed home. As she turned the corner to her apartment block, her heart sank. There it was- the same van that used to be parked in the driveway of her childhood home, all those years ago, now parked ominoulsy outside her building. Her fathers van. Memories flooded back of the shame and humiliation she felt as a teenager, constantly walking on egg shells and hiding from their disapproving glares and whispered condemnations. Now, the same as then she prepared herself for the confrontation, bracing for the inevitable blowback from her parents who didn't understand- and perhaps never would accept- her chosen path in life, her career or her passion for it. She felt as small and weak as the little girl she once was.

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