Chapter 5

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"Ah Chuuya, I'm glad you picked up" Mori's voice rang thru Chuuya's head.

"of course boss, how can I help you?" Why was Mori calling him now?

"it's nothing important, I just wanted to give you an update" an update? What could that mean?

"We have found the name of the villain threatening us" Chuuya froze, he had totally forgotten about that.

"well, what is it?"

"Sayaka Murata"


There was complete silence when Chuuya walked out of the restaurant to take the call, the atmosphere was suffocating. The heroes were sweating, and Dazai was fiddling.

"is he going to be ok?" There was concern in Hawks voice.

Dazai had almost forgotten about the Mori thing, sure it was for laughs and giggles and to fatten Chuuya up a bit but it wasn't far from the truth. Dazai had tried to save Chuuya from Mori when he joined the mafia, but Mori had his eye on him. He quickly became Mori's favourite play toy. Of course he didn't starve him, but he did work the ginger to the bone. Not to talk about the inappropriate comments their boss made towards his lover, in front of him. (It of course also went the other way around, the red head always got so pissy after) But that didn't matter now, what did matter was what Mori wanted with his dog.

after 20 min Chuuya came back in, everyone at the table was staring at him. He felt a bit uncomfortable.

"is everything ok love?" Dazai was the first to break the ice.

"yes, thanks darling" Chuuya answered sweetly.

Chuuya walked back to his chair and small talk started forming again, Dazai leaned close to chuuya.

"What did he want?" Dazai whispered in Chuuya's ear.

"just an update on the villain we have to fight, I've heard about him before. Pretty sure we can take him alone" Chuuya whispered back.

Dazai sat back, he could hear Chuuya started talking with Aizawa. He began thinking, if Mori knew he and Chuuya could take the villain, then why make an alliance with the heroes? What did he get out of it? What was he missing? Dazai was brought out of his thoughts by a poke on the arm, it was All Might.

"hey young Dazai, I have a question about you and Nak- Chuuya" he corrected himself in the end. Everyone looked at them, oh no.

"what is it?"

"you two seem close, are you dating?" That was not what he was expecting.

Chuuya started blushing, hiding his face in Dazai's shoulder. Dazai just smiled, petting his Chibi's hair to soothe him.

"yes we are, we started dati-" he was cut off by a gagging sound, it came from the table next to them.

he looked over. It was a middle aged lady with her girl friends, it looked like they were having a girls night. She was laughing with the other, pointing at Dazai and Chuuya. What were their problem?

Chuuya lifted his head off of Dazai's shoulder, he could feel the others blood lust.

"Just ignore them Zai, it's not like it's a new thing" Chuuya was right, him and Dazai had been harassed on the streets many times. If they were to take a walk holding hands, 9 out of 10 times someone said something about it. But Dazai would just shoot them, or Chuuya would crush them, and move on. He couldn't do that now.

"what do you mean?" Midnight asked.

"well, not everyone is ok with gay people" Chuuya said bluntly.

the lady's were getting louder and louder, Chuuya could even hear a couple of slurs. They all tried to ignore the annoying lady's, well that was until-

"have you seen the ginger, what a slut. It wouldn't wonder me if he had a fucked up childhood, his parents probably don't even love him. Just look at how skinny and bony he is" all the ladies had name tags on, why? Dazai had no idea. The lady who said it was named "Karen"

Chuuya heard them, he looked hurt. Quickly, he picked up a hoody he had with him. He put it on, covering his body. Chuuya didn't talk for a bit, it looked like he was in his own thoughts. What did those lady's get out of making fun of Dazai's beautiful, funny, nice, rich, skill full boyfriend? Going so far as making him insecure, Dazai wasn't gonna let that slide.


Dazai stood up, he had had enough.
"Dazai, don't do anything stupid" it was Mic who said it, he could see that Dazai wanted to get violent. How could he see it? In Dazai's eyes. They were cold and empty.

Dazai just nodded, heading over to the lady's. All the heroes and Chuuya were looking at him.

"hi there lady's, do have a problem with me and my boyfriend?" Dazai used his polite smile and sing song voice, but you could feel the anger burning under the mask he had put on.

"yes we do, you and your little friend is pushing your lifestyle on to me." Karen put pressure on friend. What a bitc-

"I'm sorry if you feel that way ma'am, but I can assure you me and my boyfriend were just minding our own business" this time, Dazai was the one putting pressure on words.

"yeah- well- I- listen here, you and your skinny, unloved, ugly friend needs to get out of here-" Dazai saw red.

He put his hands on Karen's throat, choking her and shutting her up at the same time.

"listen here" his voice was low and threatening "speak about my boyfriend that way one more time, and I'll make sure you never get to see the sun again, understand that"

the other women were in shock, and Karen just nodded pathetically. Dazai smiled and walked back to his table. Luckily his body had hidden him choking the woman, so the heroes just thought he gave her a good scare.

"are you done eating sweetheart?" Dazai asked Chuuya sweetly.

"yes, I also paid" the heroes looked confused.

"for your own food, right?"

"no. For everyone's food" Chuuya said, oblivious as ever.

"I- you didn't have to Chuuya" the heroes weren't use to a child paying for their food.

"well, let's get going. Its gonna be a long walk" Dazai said, holding his hand out for Chuuya to take.

"your walking home, alone?" All Might said, concern clear in his voice.


"no, your not. I'll be driving everyone home" Aizawa said sternly.


And that's how double black found them selves in Aizawa's car, filled with other heroes, Chuuya had his head on Dazai's shoulder, sleeping peacefully. Dazai was playing with his hair. There was small talk filling the air with warmth, and for the first time in his life, Dazai felt safe around adults.

"he looks tired" it was Midnight, she sat beside him.

"eating takes a lot out of him" Dazai answered, eyes softening when he looks at the sleeping beauty.

"your coming to train us tomorrow as well, right?"

"yes, we are. Why?"

"oh! No reason!" Midnight answered quickly.

After the heroes had dropped off the two teenagers, the car was silent. They were thinking about all the information they had gotten, about Dazai, and of course about Chuuya. The teen needed to be fed more, and they we're going to do that. They just needed to make a plan.

after an hour of planning they finally had a plan. And that plan was going to start tomorrow, when they came to train the heroes.

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