Chapter 8

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No more words were needed, Dazai allmost flew into the room. The first thing he noticed was the feeling of tainted in the air, and the heroes kneeling on the floor, struggling to not get crushed by gravity. Dazai didn't care, he actually couldn't care less, his eyes immediately fell on Chuuya. Chuuya was on the bed, an empty look in his eyes while the tears slowly fell down his cheeks, it was like he could see something Dazai couldn't. What had happened? Was it the heroes? Was it the same thing Chuuya saw in the glass box? Dazai had a million questions, but those could wait.

"Hey Chibi, don't you know dogs are suppose to lay on dog beds ?" Nothing. No reaction at all.

Now Dazai was really scared, he needed to do something, but what? It was useless Chuuya who was doing this kind of stuff. Slowly dazai went over to Chuuya.

"Hey darling, how about we go into another room?" Dazai took Chuuya's hand, there was gasping filling the room, Dazai had totally forgotten about the heroes, ups.

The heroes laid gasping for air on the floor, but Dazai and Chuuya just walked out. When they opened the door, they were met with All Might and Hawks concerned faces.

"Move out of my way"

"Young Dazai-"

" Move out of my way " That did the trick.

The two heroes were quickly making way for the teens, and without a look Dazai walked thru with Chuuya in hand. They needed to get home (if you could even call the port mafia a home) And Dazai needed to have a very  long and  serious talk with Mori.

That had backfired, in all the ways it could. How could this have happened? What had they done wrong? The heroes didn't know what to do, Dazai and Chuuya had decided to go back home, if you could even call the mafia a home. The heroes felt terrible, they made to teenagers go back to their abusive boss because they couldn't trust the heroes , they were suppose to be the once people trust, but they couldn't even do that.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing!" It was Midnight who broke the silence first.

They were all sitting in the empty cafeteria, thinking about what had happened. What could they even do?

"Should we... maybe try and find them?" Everyone looked at Endeavour, did he really just say that?

"Are you going soft Endeavour?" Hawk's exclaimed.

Usually everyone would laugh or tease, but the atmosphere was pressed and heavy, everyone's mood was down.

Dazai was pissed, and he had all the right to be. Why did Mori ever think it was a good idea to put the mafia and heroes in one room?? At this rate Dazai had no choice but slit Mori's throat, it was like the man was begging for it. Dazai had called Hirotsu to come pick them up, no way were they going to walk the whole way. The car ride was silent, not uncomfortable, just nice. Chuuya had not spoken a word, only looking into the air, it was like he was stuck in his own brain. When they got home all Chuuya did was say he was going to be, Dazai didn't bother him, he had other business to attend to.

The heroes really didn't know what to do, and the only thing they could come up with was to talk to Nezu. His office was quiet, too quiet. The heroes were all in there, looking at their mouse (thing?) boss. Nezu didn't look like it, but he was one of, if not the smartest person (thing) in the world.

"So what brings you all here?" Nezu asked.

"We have a bit of a problem, with the port mafia" Nezu lifted an eyebrow.

"you mean Nakahara and Dazai?"


"Well, what about them?"

"You see, we were on a mission, and Nakahara got locked in some kind of glass box and started totally freaking out, we got him to recovery girl, but Dazai had to leave so she could use her quirk" Midnight started explaining.

"Well i don't see the problem?"

"Well Nakahara woke up whilst Dazai was out of the room, and Nakahara started totally freaking out. Dazai got all mad and they both left!"

Nezu looket at all the heroes individually, making sure to get eye contact, then he sighed.

"I see, what do you want me to do about it?" The heroes were quite for a second, then All Might started talking.

"We would like to know if you could get them back here, just to help defeat the villain of course!"

"Hmm, well-"

Dazai and Mori stood in front of each other, the atmosphere was tense, and the room was cold.

"What brings you here Dazai?"

"I want Chuuya's info folder"

"Oh, and why is that?"

"To help improve our fighting style""

"And how would having Nakahara's private information help you?"

"Based on his past i can see what it was like for him growing up, and see what he knows"

There was a heavy silence, Dazai didn't dare blink.

"Fine, here it is"

Dazai grabbed the folder and left his boss's office letting out an audible sigh when he closed the door. He hated Mori, he hated the port, he hated fighting, one day he would leave with Chuuya, make a better life together, maybe join a better organisation. But that was thoughts for the future, right now he needed to go thru all of this. They never shared their pasts, that was also about the only thing they other didn't know.

30 min later

Dazai was shocked, he never knew about Chuuya's past, he never knew about all... that. Does Chuuya know? Does he remember? Dazai wish he could ask Chuuya, but he didn't want the other knowing he knew. Everything was so fucked up, and it was all the heroes fault, and Mori's. Dazai just needed a drink.

Oda was confused when his young friend had called him, it had been a while since they went out drinking. When he sat down at his usual spot, he saw Ango.

"Did he also text you?" The glass wearing man asked, Oda just nodded.

At that moment Dazai walked thru the door, sitting down between the two men.

"The usual" the bartender asked, they all nodded.

"So, what's up?" Oda asked.

"I fucked up" Dazai said, looking at the other two's confused faces he elaborated.

"Me and Chu were sent on a mission to help the heroes with some villain, an accident happened and Chuuya went really quiet, i decided to look thru his past and.... I read some things I wasn't suppose to know"

"Dazai that does not make sense, are you on mushrooms again?"

Ango asked, Oda just nodded before speaking up.

"Have you talked to Nakahara about this?" Dazai looked down ashamed.

"I'm not suppose to know his past" oh, now Oda understood.

"I think you should talk to Nakahara about this" Ango suggested.

That was a good idea, for future Dazai, right now he just wanted to get drunk. He wanted to drink his sorrows away and dream about the life he and Chuuya could have had.

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